
prof. Ing. Vlastimil Růžička, CSc.

» Department of Strategic Studies

Vlastimil Ruzicka, professor of Physical Chemistry and rector emeritus of the Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT) Prague accepted a position at the Technology Centre ASCR from beginning of September 2014. As a member of the Department of Strategic Studies he mainly participates in projects and contracts of foresight studies, analysis, data and methodology for the state administration. Vlastimil Ruzicka is a member of the Czech Society of Chemical Engineering and the Czech Chemical Society. Before coming to the TC he worked at the Institute of Physics ASCR as deputy director and as executive director of ELI Beamlines - implementation of the Extreme Light Infrastructure project in the Czech Republic - in Dolni Brezany from 2010. Before that, (2008-2010) he was vice-minister for Science and High School at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS). There he participated, among others, in preparation of higher education reform in the CR.

Mr. Ruzicka acquired the CSc. degree (equivalent to PhD) at the ICT Prague, he was associate professor and later professor at the Institute of Physical Chemistry, ICT Prague 1994 - 2010. In 1993-1995 he chaired the Academic Senate of the ICT Prague, in 1996-2001 he was Vice Rector for International Relations of the ICT and in 2002-2007 he held the position of Rector.

In the past, he stayed for long-term at Danmarks Tekniska Højskole in Copenhagen, at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Maryland, USA, and repeatedly at Université Blaise Pascal in France. He is laureate of the French Order of Academic Palms (Chevalier des Palmes de'l Orde Académiques) and in 2012 he was awarded the Votočka Medal of the ICT Prague.

His hobbies are skiing, cycling and classical music.


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