The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - I. Mathematics, Physics and Earth Sciences


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Structural and Palaeotectonic Development of the Barrandian Prague Basin

The Bohemian Massif is one of the largest exposed parts of the Variscan orogen of Europe. The Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ) separating the Variscan Belt from the Precambrian of Fennosarmatia is considered the most important geological boundary in the European continent. According to the modern concept of architecture and evolution of continental lithosphere, the Bohemian Massif is interpreted as a complex terrane mosaic providing an outstanding basis for studies orientated on both pre-Variscan stage of development and succession of Variscan orogenic events. The research project focused on structure of the Barrandian Prague Basin is being solved at GLI CAS. The study on the currently investigated problems covers a wide spectrum of activities which include tectonics, paleomagnetism, paleogeography, geochemistry, stratigraphy and paleontology. The interpretation of paleomagnetic data is preceded by the evaluation of the effect of the TESZ on the dispersion of the European palaeomagnetic pole positions. These studies summarize results and conclusions obtained by a variety of methods in knowledge of nature and evolution of the Prague Basin fill, tectonic styles and deformational units, evaluate them with the aim of shaping the concept of the terrane mosaic of the Bohemian Massif as a part of the Variscan central Europe.



Ing. Petr Pruner, DrSc.
phone: 272 690 115