Ondřej Maršálek, former Ph.D. student of Pavel Jungwirth, awarded...
Ondřej Maršálek, working in the group of Prof. Pavel Jungwirth, was awarded the 2013 Doctorandus' Prize (Prize of Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports in the frame of Česká hlava contest) for his work in area of molecular simulations of water-ionizing radiation' interactions. Congratulations!
The work of Dr. Maršálek deals with molecular simulations of the activity of ionizing radiation on water and the characteristics of a hydrated electron created in this way - an electron "dissolved in water". These events take place on a short time scale of hundredths to units of picoseconds, which is a period during which light moves roughly a third of a millimetre. The calculations of Dr. Maršálek describes and analyses them in detail and thus aids in their comprehension. One of the processes described in his work is so far below the resolution capability of even peak experiments abroad.
The methods used are significantly demanding in terms of computer time and so Dr. Maršálek had to devote himself also to the question of the effective use of the accessible program equipment and computer resources. The results of his work have a practical significance everywhere an aqueous environment is exposed to ionizing radiation, hence for instance in the treatment and storage of nuclear waste or in the radiation of malignant tumours.