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Ing. Vladimír Nekvasil, DrSc.


Ing. Vladimír Nekvasil, DrSc. V. Nekvasil completed his studies of solid state physics in 1967 at the Faculty of Technics and Nuclear Physics of the Czech Technical University in Prague (at present, known as the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering). He began his research activities at the Institute of Solid State Physics CSAS (now the Institute of Physics the CAS, v. v. i.), where in 1974 he obtained the degree of CSc. (candidate of sciences). Since 1974 he has been Head Researcher at that Institute. In 2001 he defended his doctoral thesis (DSc.) at Charles University in Prague.

He is a graduate of long-term study programs at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut (1977) and at the laboratories of CNRS Bordeaux and Grenoble (1980, 1991). As host professor, he visited the University of J. Fourriere in Grenoble (1992). He focused his scientific interest on physical characteristics of oxide substances, more recently on superconducting properties and magneto-electric effects. He has published more than 100 original articles in renowned international periodicals; according to SCI his works are quoted about 600 times. In 1987 he was awarded CSAS prize in physics, and in 2005 he was awarded the French prize, Chevalier dans l´Ordre des Palmes Academiques.

At the Institute of Physics the CAS he was Chairman of the Scientific Council (1994 and 1996), Attestation Commission (1994-97) and a Commission for the Redress of Grievances. In 1990-92 he was a member of Chamber of Elective Deputies CSAS, and since 1993, a member of the Academy Assembly the CAS. He is also a Chairman of the Advocacy Commission of the CAS for doctoral thesis (DSc.) in the field of physics of condensed systems. He was and still is a member of Scientific Councils of several Czech universities or academies, the governmental body, the Council for R&D, Council for Security Research of the Czech Republic’s Home Ministry. He was also a member of scientific committees of NATO and OECD oriented to support of research. He is a deputy of the Czech Republic in the ESFIF (European Security Research and Innovation Forum).

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