
Our Laboratory of Optical Fibers is organizing a seminar for secondary school teachers which will focus on optical fibers and optical devices on Tuesday 6th November from 13:30.
RNDr. Radan Slavík, PhD., DSc., a scientist in the photonics field, received a special Achievement award of the chairman of GA ČR for his project "Tunable active fiber components based on long-period fiber grids".
16th May, 2010 marks an important anniversary - 50 years since Theodor Maiman lit up the first laser ever.
The Czech-Austrian experiment focused on comparing the time of atomic clocks in Prague and Vienna using a fiber optic link.
Open doors day of our institute took place from 7th - 9th November, 2012 in connection to the Week of Science and Technology which is organized annually by the Academy of sciences of the CR.


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