Saturday, 6 06 2015

Last update04.06 14:16

Evaluation of some issues and an estimate of the future development

Dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs outweighs satisfaction in all the monitored areas except the accession of the Czech Republic to the European Union. The greatest dissatisfaction is expressed in respect of the current unemployment rate. Over four fifths of those polled are dissatisfied and a half of Czech citizens very dissatisfied with the current unemployment rate. Three quarters of respondents also voiced their dissatisfaction with the extent of corruption in our country and approximately 6 out of 10 Czech citizens gave a negative assessment of the functioning of the Czech economy and the quality of social security. A half of those polled took a critical stand on the level of immigration and the legal environment in our country. Roughly two fifths of respondents are also dissatisfied with the Czech health sector, the possibility of citizens to participate in the decision-making process about public affairs, with living standards and the functioning of authorities. A quarter of citizens are satisfied with the quality of the Czech education sector, while the same percentage of respondents is not. Most Czech citizens are sceptical about this year’s development in these areas. Citizens are most concerned about the development of unemployment (7 out of 10 polled expect its increase in 2004). The absolute majority of respondents expect the social security and living standards to deteriorate too.


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