Saturday, 6 06 2015

Last update04.06 14:16

Confidence in constitutional institutions and international organisations

In comparison with the previous month, the level of citizens’ confidence in constitutional institutions remains practically unchanged. The highest level of the public’s confidence traditionally belongs to the president of the republic, who is trusted by two thirds of all the interviewees. The Senate of the CR enjoys confidence of only one fifth of the inhabitants. That means the level of confidence in the Senate is currently the lowest of all the monitored institutions within the whole monitoring period. In our November survey we focused besides traditional monitoring of the level of confidence in various constitutional institutions also on the Czech citizens’ confidence in international institutions. In all cases trust prevailed distrust. The largest group of respondents expressed their confidence in the United Nations (64 %) and the European Union (57 %). Half of the Czech citizens trust the NATO and 4 of 10 Czechs also the European Parliament and European Commission. On the contrary, one quarter of the respondents does not know OECD at all and another quarter was unable to judge its trustworthiness.


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