Saturday, 6 06 2015

Last update04.06 14:16

Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation

In November survey of the Centra pro výzkum veřejného mínění (Public Opinion Research Centre), realised within the project Naše společnost 2004 (Our society 2004), we interrogated the respondents about how they trust the individual constitutional institutions.

In November 2004 Czech citizens expressed the highest level of trust to the president of the country, who enjoyed confidence of almost three quarters (73 %) of the respondents. Local councils were found trustworthy by more than a half of the interviewees (63 %) and almost half of the polled citizens (48 %) trusted their regional council. Less than a third of the respondents expressed their confidence in the government (31 %). In comparison to the previous month, the government’s position has dramatically worsened (- 9% points). The lowest level of trustworthiness traditionally scored both chambers of the Parliament. The Chamber of Deputies was found trustworthy by 23 % of citizens and the Senate only by 19 %.


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