Saturday, 6 06 2015

Last update04.06 14:16

Popularity of Top Politicians

Popularity of Top Politicians

In February survey CVVM SOÚ AV ČR investigated how respondents trust to selected politicians.

They were a shown a list of names of 26 politicians. (All members of Government,president,chairmen of the Chamber of Deputies and Senate, leaders of Parties represented in Parliament, chief of Constitutional Court, eurocommissioner Špidla). Among our top politicians president Václav Klaus is found to be the most trustworthy by more than two thirds of respondents (68%), he is followed by minister of culture Vítězslav Jandák (64%). Almost a half of respondents trust to ministress of education Petra Buzková and prime minister Jiří Paroubek (47% and 44%).Almost two fifths of respondents expressed their trust to ministers : B.Sobotka (38%) ,C. Svoboda and chief of Constitutional Court Rychetský (both 37%). Ministers Bublan and Škromach enjoy trust expressed by almost a third of respondents (35%), leader of ODS Topolánek (33%). In comparism to results of survey from October 2005 (or January 2006, see table 2)

number of trustees in these politicians has increased remarkably: ministress Buzková(+5% points), Bérová (+4% points) , minister Jandák (+13% points), Bublan (+6% points), leader of KDU ČSL Kalousek (+6% points). Trust in these politicians has remarkebly droped : prime minister Paroubek(-4%) and minister Sobotka (-11% points).

>> Fulltext is available in Czech only <<


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