Saturday, 6 06 2015

Last update04.06 14:16

Satisfaction with Government of Mirek Topolánek

In February survey we asked respondents how they evaluate Government of Mirek Topolánek and whether they agree with some changes in contemporary tax system, which were announced in keynote speech by Government.

Most public expressed their dissatisfaction with some question focused on their relationship to Government. If we sum answers “rather dissatisfied“ and “definitely dissatisfied“ we can see that 7 people out of 10 (68 %) are dissatisfied with Government communication with public, 66 % of respondents are not satisfied with personnal structure of the Cabinet of ministers and 64 % expressed their dissatisfation with head of Government. Two thirds of Czech Citizens (61 %) are not satisfied with government aktivity and a half of people dissagree with Government programme. When talking about some selected changes in contemporary tax system, which were announced in keynote speech by Government, people support abolishment of Death Duty and of Gift tax when property is given to close relatives, which are both agreed by 87 % of addressed citizens. Three quarters of respondents (74 %) agree with abolishment of Real estate tax and both lowering of social security payment and abolishment of agriculture real estate tax are supported by 66 % of people.

>> Fulltext is available in Czech only <<


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