Saturday, 6 06 2015

Last update04.06 14:16

Male and Female Role in the Family

For many activities connected with caring for children the most frequent situation is that both parents jointly share these or take turns depending on who has time at that point, and generally it applies that the proportion of both parents’ taking a share in individual activities connected with caring for children is higher in families of the current generation than it used to be in families of the previous generation. If in a family, in relation to a child, the role of one parent is predominant in a certain area, then it is mostly the mother who devotes her time to the child or children in the given aspect, although there are exceptions (e.g. sporting activities), where fathers play a larger role. Important decision are made in three quarters of families by both partners jointly, caring for everyday running of the household is more often in the hands of women, although on a considerably lower level, than it used to be one generation back.


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