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Saturday, 6 06 2015

Last update04.06 14:16

Citizens‘ satisfaction with lving conditions close to their home

In March almost two thirds of respondents are satisfied with living conditions close to their home.A quarter of respondents is neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. A tenth of czech population over 15 years are dissatisfied with it. More than three quarters of respondents are satisfied with installation of service gas pipes, electric connection, water service pipe and sewerage in their homes. People are also satisfied with waste disposal, environment close to their home. More than two thirds of people are satisfied with supply of goods in shops and quality of services and with places for relaxation. 39% of citizens are dissatisfied with maintenance of houses and flats under housing authority.58 % of citizens were critical of building of new houses and flats close to their home. Almost three quarters of respondents are dissatisfied with employment opportunities close to their home a with level of salaries in their locality.

>> Fulltext is available in Czech only <<


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