The issue of men going on parental leave must be monitored on a legislative, social-psychological, social, institutional and attitudinal levels and on the level of everyday life. As a result, the dynamic of relations between the private and public spheres will be assessed with respect to the implementation of the principle of equality of the sexes. Furthermore, the attitudes of the public toward gender arrangement of roles in the family and outside the family, general behaviour of men-fathers caring for small infants on parental leave and the relationship between mechanisms of state social support and the actual use of the parental leave by men will be studied. The goal of the analysis is to capture factors that significantly influence the decision of men to take parental leave and to propose measures supporting men taking parental leave.
Completed project
Support for Men Taking Parental Leave (MPSV ČR)
Project duration:
Principal investigator:
Grant agency:
Government ministry project
Maříková, Hana
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Other publication