Luštinec, J., Cvrčková, F., Čížková, J., Doležel, J., Kamínek, M., Žárský, V.
Klíčová slova:
Brassica oleracea, Nicotiana tabacum, Absorption, AGPase, Endopolyploidy, Epigenomic diversity, Mixoploidy, Soluble proteins, Starch accumulation, Sugars
We describe complex multiple concentration
dependencies for the response of isolated pith tissues to
plant biologically active substances. Kale and tobacco stem
pith explants were cultured on agar media containing
combinations of sucrose, cytokinin [kinetin or benzyladenine
(BA)] and auxin [indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) or
naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA)]. Absorption of these components
by explants and their effects on explant mass,
contents of soluble proteins, starch and sugars, and activity
of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) were studied
in relation to their concentration. Up to ten pronounced
statistically significant maxima (peaks or waves) were
repeatedly detected in the dose–response curves over a
concentration range of several logarithmic orders. Slight
maxima were observed in the corresponding absorption
curves. Pronounced maxima of sucrose absorption were
induced by IAA and BA, and those of NAA absorption
were induced by sucrose. Both types of multiple maxima
(in dose–response and absorption curves) may be due to
changes in concentration of intracellular solutes (sugars,
auxins and cytokinins), thereby affecting metabolic processes
that act as sinks for external solutes and elicit
feedback appearance of maxima in absorption curves.
Good correspondence between external concentrations at
which maxima of different compared curves occur in
addition to statistical significance of individual maxima
and repeatability of experimental results supports the
conclusion that the multiple maxima exhibited are genuine.
We consider it possibile that the multiple maxima are
associated with endopolyploidy or mixoploidy and/or epigenomic
diversity of pith cells that show different sensitivities
to biologically active solutes.
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Autoři z ÚEB: Jana Čížková,
Jaroslav Doležel