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Project: Sporadic E layer variability
The aim of the project is to study sporadic E (Es) layer variability. The midlatitude sporadic E layer are dense layers mostly formed in the lower thermosphere between 90 – 120 km, a region characterized by complicated atmospheric dynamics and nonlinear plasma process. However the under laying process are not yet well understood since the Es layer represents a complex interaction between the neutral atmosphere an ionosphere. Significant role in the formation and duration of the layer plays planetary, tidal, gravity waves and their modulation. The project will focus mainly (but not only) on the periods of Es high occurrence probability (mainly during summer time). We will analyze rapid sequence sounding campaigns (possibly 5 minutes repetition time measurements lasting at least 2 months) using digisonde DPS4 in Průhonice observatory (50N, 14.5E). Our equipment allows us to detect height and maximum frequency of Es layer together with the plasma flow in the corresponding heights.
Funded by: AV ČR. IAA300420704
Duration: 2007-2011
Investigator: Koucká Knížová, P.
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