Sociologický časopis
Czech sociological review


Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 3/2004

anglické číslo

Obsah čísla

Jiří Večerník:
Editorial [259]


Georg Vobruba:
Globalisation versus the European Social Model? Deconstructing the Contradiction Between Globalisation and the Welfare State [261]

Zdeněk R. Nešpor:
Religious Processes in Contemporary Czech Society [277]

Tomáš Katrňák, Martin Kreidl, Laura Fónadová:
Has the Post-communist Transformation Led to an Increase in Educational Homogamy in the Czech Republic after 1989? [297]

Ladislav Rabušic:
Why Are They All So Eager to Retire?(On the Transition to Retirement in the Czech Republic) [319]

Jan Drahokoupil:
Post-Fordist Capitalism in the Czech Republic: The Investment of Flextronics in Brno [343]


Marek Skovajsa:
‘Economic Culture’ as an Explanatory Tool in Transformation Research [363]


Jiří Šubrt:
Władysław Adamski – Pavel Machonin – Wolfgang Zapf (eds.): Structural Change and Modernization in Post-Socialist Societies [379]

Markéta Sedláčková:
Maxime Forest – Georges Mink (eds.): Post-communisme: Les sciences sociales a l’épreuve [381]

Zdeněk R. Nešpor:
Charles Taylor: Varieties of Religion Today. William James Revisited [385]

Jan Drahokoupil:
Caroline Humphrey: The Unmaking of Soviet Life: Everyday Economies after Socialism [388]

Petr Holub:
Martin Myant: The Rise and Fall of Czech Capitalism [390]


Tomáš Kostelecký:
A Research Colloquium in Honour of JUDr. Michal Illner on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday [395]

Jiří Krejčí:
Czech-Slovak Sociology Days in Prague [397]

Rober Klobucký:
The History of Czech-Slovak Mutual Relations [399]

Andreas Ortmann:
A Workshop on the Non-profit Sector at CERGE-EI [401]

Michal Illner:
The European Science Foundation – A Platform for the Integration of East European Social Scientists into the European Research Space [403]

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