Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR


Seminář / Út, 07/07/2015 - 10:00 - 11:00

Alan D. Bristow (Department of Physics & Astronomy, West Virginia University, Morgantown, USA)

Quantum control can be achieved in many atomic and chemical settings, for example to enhance product or byproduct branching ratios, direct photocurrents or photoionization channels and enhance mechanisms in photocatalysis.

Seminář / Čt, 09/07/2015 - 14:00 - 15:30

Dr. Lars-Oliver Kautschor (Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH)

As X-Ray Microscopy is extended from the Synchrotron community to the laboratory, correlation to other imaging techniques is vital for many reasons. Partly due to the need to show where the technique fits in the landscape of multi length scale imaging and partly to show the efficacy of the application by correlating similar imaging modalities.

Seminář / Čt, 09/07/2015 - 15:00 - 16:00

M. Moro (Instituto de Nanociencia de Aragón (INA) and Laboratory for Advanced Microscopy (LMA), University of Zaragoza, Spain)

The downscaling of magnetic memory units and operational devices will soon call for functional structures with atomic precision of their architecture. But the behavior of the magnetic moments of impurities adsorbed on a metal surface is strongly influenced by the electronic properties of the contacting lead.

Konference / Po, 27/07/2015 - 08:00 - So, 01/08/2015 - 08:00

FQMT’15 is a follow-up to the four previous, successful Prague conferences "Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics". The title of the conference is traditional and reflects main topics of early FQMT conferences.

The conference is focused on

  • Non-equilibrium quantum dynamics
  • Mesoscopic and biological systems
  • Foundations of quantum physics
  • Quantum optics, cold atoms

Oznámení / Ne, 23/08/2015 - Pá, 28/08/2015

ELI Beamlines and HiLASE Summer School (ELISS 2015) will be held in Prague, The Czech Republic from Sunday August 23rd, 2015 to Friday August 28th, 2015. The summer school targets students around the world to participate in seminars lead by distinguished academics and researchers.

The detailed information is available on the ELI Beamlines website.

Minulé události

Čt, 05/12/2013 - 14:00

Giant effects in Co- and In-doped NiMnGa multifunctional alloys: Magnetic field induced reversible deformation and Giant MagnetoCaloric effect

Seminář / Út, 03/12/2013 - 10:00

Tabletop AFM, and, an interesting observation when probing forces and currents

Seminář / Út, 03/12/2013 - 10:00

1) Relaxation modes close to SmA* - SmCa* phase transitions 2) Optically addressed diffractive structures

Seminář / Pá, 29/11/2013 - 10:00

Numerical Analysis of Anderson localization

Seminář / Út, 26/11/2013 - 15:00

Theoretical description of non-equilibrium energy transformation processes on the level of molecular structures

Seminář / Út, 26/11/2013 - 13:00

Nodal ”ground states” and orbital textures in semiconductor quantum dots

Seminář ELI Beamlines / Po, 25/11/2013 - 11:30

Manažerské výzvy a rizika během výstavby nejintenzivnějšího laseru světa

Seminář / Út, 19/11/2013 - 10:00

Peculiarity of the low frequency dynamics of ferroelectric relaxors

Seminář / Pá, 15/11/2013 - 14:00

Self-assembly of CeO2 Nanocubes: New Approach for the Development of Resistive Random Access Memory Devices

Seminář / Čt, 14/11/2013 - 14:00

Crystal field and magnetism with Wannier functions: rare-earth ions in garnets, manganites and cobaltates

Seminář / Čt, 14/11/2013 - 14:00

Aktuální trendy ve zpracování dat - zpráva o konferencích CHEP 2013 a HEPIX

Seminář / Út, 12/11/2013 - 15:00

Superconducting fluctuations in the electron systems with real-space pairs

Workshop / Čt, 07/11/2013 - 13:00

The 9th Interregional Workshop on Advanced Nanomaterials (IWAN)

Seminář / St, 06/11/2013 - 15:00

Ti:sapphire Lasers: Past, Present and Future

Seminář / Út, 05/11/2013 - 15:00

New optical phenomena in multiferroic materials

Seminář / Po, 04/11/2013 - 14:30

Development of high-power mid-infrared Er fiber lasers

Seminář / Po, 04/11/2013 - 14:00

Current status of TRAM laser and its application at ILE/Osaka

Seminář / Čt, 31/10/2013 - 14:00

Temná hmota a temná energie v současné kosmologii

Seminář / Út, 29/10/2013 - 15:00

Dynamic regime of conduction in the Luttinger liquid with an impurity

Čt, 24/10/2013 - 15:00

Slavnostní setkání u příležitosti významného životního jubilea RNDr. Miloše Lokajíčka, DrSc.

Seminář / Čt, 24/10/2013 - 10:00

Charge transport in THz regime: carrier localization vs. effective medium effects

Seminář / Út, 22/10/2013 - 15:00

Energy transfer between nanostructures

Seminář / Út, 22/10/2013 - 10:00

Soft modes of antiferroelectric lead zirconate

Workshop / Po, 21/10/2013 - 09:00

The 18th Ad-Hoc Workshop on Jana2006: advanced topics

Seminář / Čt, 17/10/2013 - 14:00

Výpočet vazbového parametru α_s z hadronového rozpadu leptonu τ

Seminář / Čt, 17/10/2013 - 10:00

Selected results from our partners in liquid crystal research

Workshop / Čt, 17/10/2013 - 09:00

The 17th Ad-Hoc Workshop on Jana2006: basics of Jana2006

Seminář / Út, 15/10/2013 - 15:00

Symmetries and their role in fundamental physics

Seminář / Út, 15/10/2013 - 10:00

Dual-frequency nematic liquid crystals

Seminář / Čt, 10/10/2013 - 14:00

Differential spectra for t-tbar events in the ATLAS experiment

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