Epigrafica et Historica

The Centre for Epigraph and Sepulchre Studies

The Centre was set up in 2005 as a joint project of the Documentation and Topography departments on the basis of the epigraphic documentation built up since 2000 (library and collections). The task of the Centre is to carry out research and documentary activity in the related fields of mediaeval and early modern epigraph studies as "auxiliary disciplines" for art history and the history of sepulchre sculptures as the main categories bearing inscriptions. The Centre regularly holds international conferences, and organises teaching and educational seminars. A special study room is available for Czech and international researchers in the field.

Contacts: PhDr. Jiří Roháček, CSc., rohacek.at.udu.cas.cz

Přiložený soubor: Literatura ke zkoušce (PDF)
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