Interlibrary Loans

For Libraries:

All the libraries in the Czech Republic may use the CERGE-EI Library deposits by means of interlibrary loans. The libraries may request loans by mailing the paper form Zadanka MVS (Interlibrary Loan Request Form) by post or by e-mail to the CERGE-EI Library.

Phone: (+420) 224 005 138
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For End Users:

How many requests can I make?

CERGE-EI members:

  • Requests within the Czech Republic:
    Service is available free of charge to all current members of staff, associate staff and students. Requested books and journals, which cannot be obtained at the CERGE-EI library, are delivered from other Czech libraries. The wait time for delivery is between one week and one month.
  • Requests for international inter-library loan service:
    The service is limited. Requested books and journals which are not available in libraries in the Czech Republic are ordered via the National Technical Library through the service "Virtual Polytechnic Library". Faculty and Senior Researchers are entitled to five requests, and Junior Researchers to two requests, without any charge. Requests over these limits must be covered from one’s own funds. The library will inform users in case their request is over the limit, and about approximate costs (see the price list of NTK services). The payment may be made either from a personal grant or in cash on receipt.

Registered users from the general public:

  • Requests within the Czech Republic:
    Users must cover the real expenses for the loan. Payment in cash on receipt is required.
  • Requests for international inter-library loan service:
    Users must cover the real expenses for the loan. Payment in cash on receipt is required.

How to place an ILL or an IILL request?

First, check the library catalog OLIB. Interlibrary loans requests can be made via e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by contacting a librarian. Requests should include the following information about the publication:

  • copy of article: title, author, source (title, year, volume, number, pages, ISSN)
  • monograph: title, author, publisher, year, ISBN

It will greatly speed up the process if you provide as much information about the item as possible. Library staff are not knowledgeable in our users' fields of research and any further information on the item and possible locations should be provided with the initial request.


To comply with Copyright Law, all requested items must be used for non-commercial purposes only.