
Academic bulletin / Živa

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Awards of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) presented in 2003

In 2003, the Academy Council of the Czech Academy of Sciences, upon the recommendation of the Commission on Awards of the CAS, presented the following awards:

The CAS Award for Outstanding Scientific Results of Major Significance

  • A research team of the Institute of Physics, CAS, composed of: Ing.Martin Nikl, CSc., (coordinator), prom. fyz. (graduate physicist) Pavel Boháček, Ing. Karel Nitch, CSc., RNDr. Eva Mihóková, CSC., Ing. Jan Rosa, CSc., RNDr. Josef Novák, CSc., for the scientific result: Monocrystals PbW04 - Scintillation Material for High Energy Physics. Physical Description and Optimisation of Material - accompanied by a supplement of 100,000 CZK

  • Prof. Ing. Pavel Hobza, DrSc. (The J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry, CAS) for the scientific result: Noncovalent Interactions and their Role in Biodisciplines, primarily in the Determination of the Structure and Dynamics of the DNA-base Pairs and DNA Oligomers -accompanied by a supplement of 50,000 CZK

  • A research team composed of: Doc. PhDr. Petr Sommer, CSc., (Institute of Philosophy, CAS- Centre for Medieval Studies of the CAS and Charles University), PhDr. Dušan Třeštík, CSc., (Institute of Philosophy, CAS - Centre of Medieval Studies of the CAS and Charles University), Prof. PhDr. Josef Žemlička, DrSc., (Institute of Philosophy, CAS - Centre of Medieval Studies of the CAS and Charles University), Mgr. Pavel Soukup (Institute for Contemporary History - Research Centre for the History of Science), Mgr. Robert Novotný (Institute of Philosophy, CAS - Centre of Medieval Studies of the CAS and Charles University), Mgr. František Grunt (Animare Porteus Civic Group), PhDr. Milena Bravermanová (Prague Castle Administration), Mgr. Jiří Militký (National Museum, Prague) for : The Centre of Europe around the Year 1000 A. D. - International Exhibition and Science Catalogue - accompanied by a supplement of 100.000 CZK

The CAS Award to Young Researchers for Outstanding Achievements

  • RNDr. Vojtěch Šimon, PhD., born 1968 (Astronomical Institute, CAS) for: The Parametres of Selected Astrophysical Sources of High Energy Particles - accompanied by a supplement of 25,000 CZK

  • Ing. Radim Osička, PhD., born 1973 (Institute of Microbiology, CAS) for: The Relationships of the RTX Structure and Function of Proteins of Pathogenic Gram-Negative Bacteria - accompanied by a supplement of 25,000 CZK

  • Mgr. Jaroslav Cuhra, born 1972 (Institute for Contemporary History, CAS) for: The Czechoslovak-Vatican Dealings of 1968-1979 - accompanied by a supplement of 25,000 CZK

The CAS Award for an Exceptionally Successful Solution of Programme and Grant Projects

  • RNDr. Petr Heinzel, DrSc., (Astronomical Institute, CAS) for: Analysis of the Spectral Data of Hydrogen in the Solar Atmosphere Obtained by the SOHO Satellite - accompanied by a supplement of 35,000 CZK

  • Doc. Ing. Vladimír Křen, DrSc., (Institute of Microbiology, CAS) for: Enzymic Synthesis and the Biotransformation of Glycosides and Natural Substances - accompanied by a supplement of 35,000 CZK

  • PhDr. Jindřich Dejmek, PhD., (Institute of History, CAS) for: Czechoslovakia, its Neighbours and the Great Powers of the 20th Century - accompanied by a supplement of 35,000 CZK