Saturday, 4 07 2015

Last update03.07 14:49

Confidence in top politicians

At present it is president Václav Klaus, who is viewed as the most trustworthy person among our top politicians. He enjoys confidence of seven out of ten respondents and since our last survey in October of last year his credibility has grown of 14 % points together with parallel drop of 13 % points as far as the number of people, who do not trust him, is concerned. Václav Klaus has for the first time reached the first rank on our imaginary rank, outrunning the permanently highly evaluated minister Gross. Stanislav Gross is still regarded as trustworthy by 60 % of citizens. Ombudsman Otakar Motejl won the third position within our chart of the most trustworthy top politicians gaining confidence of 54 % of the respondents. He is followed by minister Petra Buzková, who despite her 10 point drop in the last year still enjoys confidence of almost a half of the respondents. Minister Dostál and the Senate chairman Pithart are trusted by roughly two fifths of Czech citizens. Around one third of the respondents trust ODS leader Topolánek, prime minister Špidla and minister Cyril Svoboda.


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