Saturday, 4 07 2015

Last update03.07 14:49

How Content are We with Our Personal Lives? How Do We See Our Own Prospects, Prospects of the Population of the CZ and Mankind in General?

Today, more than a half of respondents (56 %) express satisfaction with their personal life, 29 % are "neither satisfied nor dissatisfied" and with 14 % dissatisfaction dominates. In the last five years these figures have changed only minimally. The survey also focused on prevalence of optimism and scepticism from the point of view of the respondents’ own future, and future of those close to them, the future of the population of the CZ and mankind as such. It arose that respondents’ own future is seen in a better light than expectations for the population of the CZ and far better than prospects for the whole of mankind. Three quarters of respondents (71 %), see optimistically their own future and the future of those close to them and (58 %) perceive optimistically the future of the Czech population. In connection with the prospects of mankind as a whole, a sceptical attitude clearly prevails (53 %); 39 % of respondents are optimistic.


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