Saturday, 4 07 2015

Last update03.07 14:49

Evaluation of Social Conditions and Social Politics

Only 29% of respondents think that the government cares for the social situation of their people in an adequate way, whilst two thirds (65%) of respondents think that it is insufficient, contrary to 4% who perceive it as excessive. Views on social care provided by the government to families with young children are even less favourable when only less than a quarter of respondents (24%) marked it as adequate, 71% respondents evaluated it as insufficient and 2% think it is excessive. People are usually positive in their views on the current accessibility of education and health care. On the other hand, the Czech general public holds rather critical views on social security for the elderly, the handicapped, a chance to get a job, a chance to get a flat or the financial situation to start a family.


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