Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR


Út, 07/07/2015 - 10:00 - 11:00

Alan D. Bristow (Department of Physics & Astronomy, West Virginia University, Morgantown, USA)

Quantum control can be achieved in many atomic and chemical settings, for example to enhance product or byproduct branching ratios, direct photocurrents or photoionization channels and enhance mechanisms in photocatalysis.

Čt, 09/07/2015 - 14:00 - 15:30

Dr. Lars-Oliver Kautschor (Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH)

As X-Ray Microscopy is extended from the Synchrotron community to the laboratory, correlation to other imaging techniques is vital for many reasons. Partly due to the need to show where the technique fits in the landscape of multi length scale imaging and partly to show the efficacy of the application by correlating similar imaging modalities.

Čt, 09/07/2015 - 15:00 - 16:00

M. Moro (Instituto de Nanociencia de Aragón (INA) and Laboratory for Advanced Microscopy (LMA), University of Zaragoza, Spain)

The downscaling of magnetic memory units and operational devices will soon call for functional structures with atomic precision of their architecture. But the behavior of the magnetic moments of impurities adsorbed on a metal surface is strongly influenced by the electronic properties of the contacting lead.

Minulé semináře

Dr. Jérôme Gaudin The European XFEL in Hamburg: current status 11.04.2012 13:30
Y.O. Kvashnin Ab initio study of 3d systems under high pressure 10.04.2012 15:00
Dr. Danijela Rostohar Development and applications of lasers: how to make a laser suitable for industrial application 10.04.2012 10:30
Prof. Andrzej Maziewski Spin Ordering and Magnetization Processes in Nanostructures: from Ultrathin Films to Multilayers 30.03.2012 10:00
B. Reischl Simulating atomic force microscopy of calcite in water 29.03.2012 16:00
Dr. Konstantin Zhuravlev Vznik excitonu, jeho transfer a rekombinace v polovodičových vrstvách a kvantových tečkách 28.03.2012 13:00
Jaroslav Bielčík Produkce těžkých kvarků v jaderných srážkách 23.03.2012 13:30
Caroline Curfs In-situ studies in Materials Science using high energy X-rays at the ESRF 22.03.2012 14:00
Ing. V. Petráková, Mgr. A. Kovalenko, prof. M. Nesládek Kvantové efekty v nanodiamantech a jejich uplatnění v nano/bio fotonice a detekci organických molekul 20.03.2012 10:00
Jörg Körner The way to next generation High Energy Class Diode Pumped Solid State Lasers 20.03.2012 10:00
Aude Sagnier Recent advances in laser diode pump engines for high power amplifiers 20.03.2012 10:00
Joachim Hein Status of the POLARIS Laser Project 20.03.2012 09:30
Vladimir I. Anisimov DFT+DMFT method and its applications to correlation effects in electronic structure of real materials 16.03.2012 14:00
Ing. Pavel Jelínek, Ph.D. Pokročilá charakterizace povrchů a nanostruktur s atomárním rozlišením pomocí rastrovacích mikroskopů 07.03.2012 15:00
Anna Kauch Spectral functions of correlated bosons in the dynamical mean-field theory 28.02.2012 15:00
Herve Grabas Frontier technologies in picosecond timing 24.02.2012 10:30
Marina Davydova Nová generace senzorů toxických plynů 21.02.2012 13:00
Antonín Klíč Mean-field Theory of Potts Glass Revised 14.02.2012 15:00
Stefano Bonora New deformable mirror technologies 08.02.2012 11:00
Mael Guennou Homogeneization of electromechanical properties of relaxor-based single-crystals 07.02.2012 10:00
J. Hlinka Ferroelectric Photovoltaics - Fact, fiction, hype ... or hope ? 26.01.2012 15:00
Olivier Isnard The determination of multiple cation location and ordering: example on natural and heat treated columbites 18.01.2012 15:00
Jan Lorinčík Aplikace metody SIMS v materialovem vyzkumu 17.01.2012 10:00
Prof. Max Klein Particle Physics in Transition 11.01.2012 15:00
RNDr. Kateřina Kůsová, Ph.D. Blikání křemíkových nanokrystalů 10.01.2012 10:30
RNDr. Jiří Rákosník, CSc. Audit výzkumu, vývoje a inovací v ČR provedený firmou Technopolis: co z něho plyne a co můžeme očekávat v budoucnu 05.01.2012 15:30
Jiří Grygar Astronomické pozadí Nobelovy ceny za fyziku 20.12.2011 15:00
Thomas Pruschke Téma: Monte-Carlo Approach to Stationary Non-equilibrium of Mesoscopic Systems 15.12.2011 15:00
Eva Nováková Poškodenie plazmidovej DNA vyvolané nanosekundovými pulzmi XUV žiarenia 14.12.2011 13:00

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