The research of the laboratory is focused on plant responses to different environmental stresses (especially those connecting with climate global change: elevated CO2 concentration, drought, and UV-radiation, and on heat or chilling stress, and heavy metal) and to biotic stresses (ageing, high content of endogenous cytokinins, viral infection) acting individually or in different combinations.
The changes in physiological and structural characteristics are determined on the level of whole plant and leaf, cellular, or subcellular level. We determine parameters of gas exchange, water regime, composition and function of photosynthetic apparatus and other cell organelles, development of reactive oxygen species, oxidative damage and induction of biosynthesis of protecting pigments and antioxidants. Furthermore, the changes in metabolism of reactive nitrogen species during natural and stress induced senescence are investigated.
Not only immediate responses to environmental factors are followed but also acclimations and de-acclimations to stresses and after their relief.
Important direction of our research is to determine the effect of phytohormones abscisic acid and cytokinins (endogenous content and/or application) on plant responses to stresses.
Macková H., Hronková M., Dobrá J., Turečková V., Novák O., Lubovská Z., Motyka V., Haisel D., Hájek T., Prášil I.T., Gaudinová A., Štorchová H., Ge E., Werner T., Schmülling T., Vanková R.
JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY642805-28152013 Fulltext: PDF link on intranet only
Benešová M., Holá D., Fischer L., Jedelský P.L., Hnilička F., Wilhelmová N., Rothová O., Kočová M., Procházková D., Honnerová J., Fridrichová L., Hniličková H.