Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR


Tuesday, 07.07.2015 10:00 - 11:00

Alan D. Bristow (Department of Physics & Astronomy, West Virginia University, Morgantown, USA)

Quantum control can be achieved in many atomic and chemical settings, for example to enhance product or byproduct branching ratios, direct photocurrents or photoionization channels and enhance mechanisms in photocatalysis.

Thursday, 09.07.2015 14:00 - 15:30

Dr. Lars-Oliver Kautschor (Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH)

As X-Ray Microscopy is extended from the Synchrotron community to the laboratory, correlation to other imaging techniques is vital for many reasons. Partly due to the need to show where the technique fits in the landscape of multi length scale imaging and partly to show the efficacy of the application by correlating similar imaging modalities.

Thursday, 09.07.2015 15:00 - 16:00

M. Moro (Instituto de Nanociencia de Aragón (INA) and Laboratory for Advanced Microscopy (LMA), University of Zaragoza, Spain)

The downscaling of magnetic memory units and operational devices will soon call for functional structures with atomic precision of their architecture. But the behavior of the magnetic moments of impurities adsorbed on a metal surface is strongly influenced by the electronic properties of the contacting lead.

Past seminars

Josef Kudrnovský Magnetism of mixed quaternary Heusler alloys: (Ni 1-x,Tx)2 MnSn (T=Cu,Pd) as a case study 09.11.2010 15:00
Roman Lysák From top quark physics to the Higgs boson 08.11.2010 15:00
Dr. Jan Honolka Molecule-regulated magnetism at surfaces: from metal-organic network to molecule/ferromagnetic semiconductor hybrids 03.11.2010 15:00
Antonio Lucianetti Nonlinear thermal effects and Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE) in high-average-power solid-state lasers 27.10.2010 14:30
Vladimír Železný Topological insulators 26.10.2010 10:00
Pavel Růžička Measurement of soft diffraction with the calorimeter of the ATLAS detector 22.10.2010 13:30
Prof. Akira Endo High average power, short pulse solid state lasers for compact X-ray sources via Compton scattering and plasma emission 21.10.2010 15:00
Dr. Joerg Wunderlich Colloquium Cukrovarnická - Spin Hall effect transistor 21.10.2010 15:00
Iegor Rafalovskyi Irradiation influence on charge carrier transport in AlGaN/GaN heterostructure 21.10.2010 10:00
Jan Kuneš Computer modeling of electronic correlations in solids 20.10.2010 15:00
Andrea Campoleoni Asymptotic symmetries of 3D gravity coupled to higher-spin fields 11.10.2010 15:00
Dr. Marina Tjunina Epitaxial control of polar order in perovskites 08.10.2010 13:00
Andrea Taroni Atomistic Spin Dynamics of Low-dimensional Magnets 06.10.2010 15:00
Stéphane Sebban Progress on laser driven x-ray sources at the Laboratoire d’Optique Appliquée 06.10.2010 09:30
Dr. Pedro de Andres Physical chemistry on graphene 05.10.2010 10:00
David Šálek Measurement of the proton diffraction longitudinal structure function in H1 experiment 01.10.2010 13:30
Pavel Marton Atomic origin of ferroelectric hardening in PbTiO3 and Pb(ZrTi)O3 24.09.2010 16:00
Taneli Laamanen Electronic Structure of Rare Earth Ions in the Sr2MgSi2O7 Persistent Luminescence Host Material 24.09.2010 14:00
Igor Beinik Electrical characterization of semiconductor nanostructures by scanning probe microscopy based techniques 21.09.2010 14:00
Dr. Daisuke Takeuchi Single Crystal Diamond Electronic Devices 10.09.2010 14:00
Tomáš Ostatnický Spontaneous coherence in systems of cavity polaritons 07.09.2010 10:00
Ashoke Sen Extremal black hole entropy 30.08.2010 15:00
Julien Pernot Mobility in homoepitaxial doped diamond 20.07.2010 13:00
Kiyoka Okada First direct confirmation of nano-nucleation and new nucleation theory 19.07.2010 14:00
prof. Masamichi Hikosaka New polymer crystallization mechanism and realization of the ultra high performances 19.07.2010 10:00
Darrell G. Schlom A thin film approach to engineering functionality into oxides 30.06.2010 15:00
Karsten Held Dynamical vertex approximation - a step beyond dynamical mean field theory 29.06.2010 15:00
Dieter Lüst Strings at LHC 24.06.2010 15:00
Ansgar Liebsch Correlation induced spin freezing transition in FeSe and FeAsLaO: a dynamical mean field study 24.06.2010 14:00
Dr. Victor Sokolov Optical evidence of strong d-p coupling in Zn1-xMnxO 23.06.2010 13:00

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