Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

Department of Dielectrics


Extension: 2154
Email: hlinkaatfzu [dot] cz
Location: S
Room: 131


Extension: 2142
Email: spanelatfzu [dot] cz
Location: S
Room: 137


Mission: Understanding of materials for which the frequency dependence of dielectric function can be probed by capacitance, waveguide or optical techniques. Main research areas cover experimental and theoretical investigations of high permittivity insulators like liquid crystals, ferroelectrics, multiferroics, piezoelectrics, semiconductor nanostructures and low loss materials by dielectric, infrared, time-domain THz, Raman and neutron spectroscopy, but also calorimetry, nonlinear optics and scanning probe microscopy.

Research of the department of dielectrics is concentrated around four research directions. Each of them is associated with a unique experimental equipment and highly qualified research team. You can learn more about our research activities by following the associated links:

The most significant fresh scientific results of our deparment are listed in the category Selected results. Some other important or older results are presented on the pages of individual groups.

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