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Project: Extreme weather events in the Czech Republic and their relationship to meso-alpha meteorological patterns
The project deals with (i) the objective evaluation of the extremity of weather events from 1961 to 2010 and with (ii) the relationship between extreme weather events and meteorological conditions of larger scale. We will study five classes of weather phenomena: extra high/low air temperatures, sudden drops in air temperature, heavy precipitation and strong winds. Weather extremity will be evaluated using return period data interpolated from stations into a regular grid. We will apply a dynamical approach to extremity evaluation which will be performed within variable time periods and areas of various extents. These periods and areas will be defined for individual events separately. Meteorological conditions, which accompanied the events, will be described by three-dimensional meso-a anomalies in re-analyzed fields of meteorological variables over Europe and the North Atlantic. Spatio-temporal distribution of extreme weather events in the Czech Republic will be interpreted by frequency and/or by the distinctiveness of anomalies typical of the considered weather phenomenon.
Funded by: GA ČR. GAP209/11/1990
Duration: 2010-2014
Investigator: Kašpar, M.
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