Here you will find ongoing projects of the Technology Centre ASCR. For archive projects please follow the link at the bottom of this page.
The Czech Republic in the European Research Area
The principal goal of the CZERA project is a development of already existing research infrastructure providing analytical, information and organizational support for strategic decisions and conceptual planning of the state administration with a basic aim to contribute to the active and efficient participation of the Czech Republic in European Research Area (ERA) namely in international collaboration in research, development and innovation. The project includes also providing a complex system of services to research organizations and entrepreneurs (SMEs in particular) to participate in cooperative research projects in particular through Framework Programmes of EU for research, development and innovation.
Project coordinator: Mr. Karel Klusacek
Module I Manager "Oriented research for strategic decision in reserach, development and innovation": Mr. Michal Pazour
Module II Manager "Servises to national research teams, research organizations and industrial companies to engage in ERA: Mrs. Nada Konickova
Technology Centre ASCR
Project outputs are continuosly published at, framework program site FP7 and Horizon 2020
- Duration: 1. 10. 2010 - 31. 12. 2015
- Submitter: Ministry of Education Youth and Sports
- Manager: Pazour Michal
The main goal of the VATES project is to make use of science-policy research to contribute to improving the quality of strategic decision-making in research, which is key to an efficient management of research policies on national, regional, and institutional levels. An efficiently and strategically managed research policy that utilizes modern methods of strategic studies is a prerequisite of improving the competitiveness of Czech research.
An important aspect of a quality research policy is the ability to access information about current trends in the area of technology development, research directions, and potential impacts of new technologies on socio-economic developments, environment, living standards, behavioural patterns, and population health. Such information is important for strategic decision-making of the public administration, research organizations, and enterprises.
The public administration uses this information to formulate and implement research policies, research organizations use it to direct their research projects, develop international cooperation, and create new study courses, and enterprises use it to orient their research, development, and innovation activities and develop international cooperation within global production networks. However, the growing availability of various types of structured and especially unstructured data makes the systematic and conceptual gathering of such data more demanding, and the same is true for the subsequent processing, analysing, and interpreting of this data.The research realized as a part of the VATES project will thus concentrate on the development of methods for systematic monitoring and assessment of technological and socio-economic trends, methods for assessing potential impacts of new technologies on society, and methods for evaluating the results and impacts of science policies.
Technology centre ASCR only.
See the STRAST department website.
- Duration: March 2015 - February 2020
- Submitter: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
- Manager: Pazour Michal
BusInesS and InnOvation Support PLUS
Technology Centre coordinates BISONet PLUS project (BusInesS and InnOvation Support Network) that provides services of the Enterprise Europe Network in the Czech Republic. The Enterprise Europe Network is the largest network of contact points providing information and advice to EU companies on EU matters, in particular small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The network offers concrete and effective solutions to entrepreneurs and companies in more than 50 countries worldwide. The network covers nearly 600 local partner organisations, employing around 4 000 experienced staff working to support competitiveness of EU businesses.
6 regional partners coordinated by the Technology Centre ASCR: Centre for Regional Development of the Czech Republic, BIC Plzen, JIC Brno, Brno Regional Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Commerce of Moravian-Silesian Region.
Project output is published at
- Duration: 1 January 2015 - 31 December 2020
- Submitter: European Commission, MIT
- Manager: Hladik Petr
Czech Liaison Office for Research, Development and Innovation
The CZELO facilitates a direct contact between Czech research and important European institutions, mainly the EC, the European Parliament, and the EU Council. For this purpose the office is located in Brussels. The CZELO also cooperates with Czech regional offices in Brussels. The office, which is funded by the MEYS from the EUPRO programme, provides services to all parties interested in European research cooperation, especially in the Framework Programmes.
Currently the CZELO3 project has been runníing, which follows previous CZELO1 and CZELO2. More details about the period you will find here.
- Duration: 1.1.2005 - 31.12.2016
- Submitter: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
- Manager: Vosečková Anna
- Link:
Regional Innovation Monitor (RIM)
The Regional Innovation Monitor (RIM) is an initiative of the European Commission's Directorate General for Enterprise and Industry. The overall objective of RIM is to contribute to improved competitiveness of EU regions through increasing the effectiveness of their innovation policies and strategies. It does so by providing policymakers and other innovation stakeholders with the analytical framework and tools for evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of regional policies and regional innovation systems. RIM covers 20 EU Member States: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
Technopolis Group (the coordinator), Fraunhofer ISI, UNU MERIT
Project output has been published at the project’s website (see the Link below)
- Duration: January 2010 - December 2015
- Submitter: European Commision
- Manager: Čadil Vladislav
- Link:
The aim of BioHorizon is to facilitate transnational co-operation within a network of National Contact Points (NCPs) for Horizon 2020, within the scope of Societal Challenge 2 (SC2) “Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy” and the Key Enabling Technology (KET) “Biotechnology” with a view to identify and share good practices in order to improve general standard of support to programme applicants.
TC is a worpackage leader for Communication and dissemination. -
16 project partners coordinated by IPPT PAN (Poland)
- Duration: March 2015 - February 2019
- Submitter: European Commission
- Manager: Koníčková Naďa
CIMULACT has as a main objective to add to the relevance and accountability of European research and innovation – Horizon 2020 as well as national - by engaging citizens and stakeholders in co-creation of research agendas based on real and validated societal visions, needs and demands. The project will expand the outlook and debate on STI issues, increase scientific literacy in a broad sense, which includes the understanding of the societal role of Science, Technology and innovation (STI), and create shared understanding between scientific stakeholders, policy-makers and citizens. This multiactor approach will embrace EU28 plus Norway and Switzerland.
The CIMULTACT builds on the principle/conviction that the collective intelligence of society gives Europe a competitive advantage, which may be activated to strengthen the relevance of the European science and technology system. By establishing genuine dialogue between citizens, stakeholders, scientists, and policymakers visions and scenarios for the desirable futures will be developed and debated, and transformed into recommendations and suggestions for research and innovation policies and topics.
24 partners - see website STRAST
In short, CIMULACT will:
● Create vision and scenarios that connect societal needs with future expected advances in Science and their impact on technology, society, environment etc. in connection to the grand challenges
● Provide concrete input to Horizon 2020 through recommendations and policy options for R&I and simulated calls for the Horizon2020 Work Programmes.
● Engage citizens and stakeholders in a highly participatory debate/consultation/process on scenarios for desirable sustainable futures and research - Duration: June 2015 - March 2018
- Submitter: European Commission (Horizon 2020)
- Manager: Hebáková Lenka
SEREN3 is a 36-month Coordination and Support Action with the overall aim of facilitating trans-national co-operation among NCPs for Secure Societies, identifying and sharing good practices, and raising the general standard of the support to programme applicants across the EU, Associated and Third countries. To reach the objective above, the project will develop three main activity axes, corresponding to the projects’ specific objectives: 1) capacity building of NCPs; 2) strengthening the participation of relevant stakeholders to Horizon 2020 funding opportunities; 3) and supporting networking opportunities within the Secure Societies constituency. Cross-cutting activities of dissemination and communication will add up to this main set of activities, helping to enhance their impact.
SEREN3 is the continuation and evolution of the precedent network, SEREN2, whose results and lessons learnt have been taken into consideration with the logic of improving the future network and in order to valorize the network’s strengths. SEREN3 will also take into account the paradigmatic change brought by Horizon 2020. This will be reflected in particular in a stronger attention of the network in terms of multidisciplinary competences, consideration of related societal challenges, and linkage with other EU relevant initiatives, funding programmes and policies. Finally, the network will seek further opening to a wider target of stakeholders and businesses in the Secure Societies field.
SEREN3 consortium comprises 17 beneficiaries, with a good mix of well-experienced and less experienced NCPs, and representing Member States, Associated Countries and Third Countries. Besides beneficiaries, the project services will be offered to all officially appointed H2020 Secure Societies NCPs, who will be involved as “associated partners”. -
17 project partners coordinated by APRE (Agency for the Promotion of European Research) from Italy
Websides are not available so far.
- Duration: May 2015 - April 2018
- Submitter: European Commission
- Manager: Hillerová Eva
The main objective of Idealist2018 is reinforcing the network of National Contact Points (NCP) for LEIT ICT under Horizon2020, by promoting further trans-national cooperation within this network. This cooperation will also include collaboration and networking with similar networks in parallel themes (Security, ENV, Transport, Energy, Health,…etc) especially in the context of joint/coordinated or PPP calls.
Special focus is put on helping less experienced NCPs from Member States (MS) and Associated Countries (AC) to access the know-how accumulated in other countries and to apply it in a locally relevant and efficient manner.
Furthermore Idealist2018 aims to address national and cross-border audiences, relying on the NCP network mainly established in the MS and AC at national and regional level, to stimulate, encourage and facilitate the participation of current and future ICT research stakeholders in ERA. Special focus is put on newcomers and SMEs, including organisations from MS, AC and third Countries.
The activities of Idealist2014 are incremental to the formal NCP responsibilities as they address the international aspects not covered by the nationally funded NCP role. It is built upon:
- Experience gained over more than 15 years from the 8 preceding projects covering FP4 to FP7 and now the transition to H2020
- Strengthening NCP cooperation with support for MS, AC and third Countries
- Provision of Training and Twinning for less experienced NCPs
- Provision of partner search, pre- and full proposal quality support
- Focused support for SMEs in the ICT sector and for organisations new to H2020
- Provision of NCP support for countries with S&T international agreements
- Promotion of opportunities and Idealist services ensuring a higher NCP visibility
34 partners
- Duration: January 2015 - December 2018
- Submitter: Europen Commission - Horizon 2020
- Manager: Sebroňová Eva
- Link:
The overall objective of NCPs CaRE is to form a joint cooperation network of experienced and less experienced National Contact Points (NCPs) on SC5 “Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials” which aims at pooling their resources and know-how to raise the overall quality of services provided to their clients. By involving 23 formally nominated NCPsacross Europe, the project will significantly strengthen transnational cooperation.
23 project partners coordinated by the Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
Project website:
- Duration: February 2015 - January 2019
- Submitter: European Commission
- Manager: Čejková Jana
SiSnet2 is the network of NCPs specialised in supporting the Science with and for Society programme of Horizon 2020. provides high quality services to Science with and for Society stakeholders, authorities, research institutions and enterprises on the opportunities offered by Horizon 2020 to boost integration of scientific achievements into society and engage the public in science.
The main objectives are to increase dialogue and collaboration between Science with and for Society stakeholders, for example: CSO's, cities, research funding agencies, science centers, science museums, media organisations and education establishments and for the second to enhance the visibility of the Science with and for Society programme. -
10 partners, coordinated by The Icelandic Centre for Research - RANNÍS, Island
Project website:
- Duration: November 2014 - October 2017
- Submitter: European Commission
- Manager: Pacvoň Michal
Regional Innovation Strategy of the Central Bohemian Region
The public tender for elaboration of the Regional Innovation Strategy of the Central Bohemian Region for the period 2015-2020 (RISCBR) aims to make a common policy document for the research and innovation business in the Central Bohemian Region.
As a highly attractive region in many respects, the Central Bohemian Region has a number of specific features. Systematic support and development of research and innovation business was, however,
for a long period of time non-existing and of rather marginal interest. For a functional innovation system, effectively connected key actors and knowledge capacities in the corporate and public sectors, there must necessarily be a properly formulated strategy which is widely accepted and manifested by the partnership principle and commitment of public authorities to actively fulfill defined goals. -
Technology centre ASCR only.
- Duration: January 2015 - January 2016
- Submitter: Central Bohemian Region
- Manager: Marek David
- Link:
The project RICH (Research Infrastructures Consortium for Horizon 2020) is built on activities of previous project EuroRIs-Net +. The project aims at more effective collaboration of national contact points (NCPs) for research infrastructures in order to improve their services to applicants in Horizon 2020. 11 project partners and 30 associated partners will benefit from the project activities. Project activities will lead to better and more professional service of national contact points across Europe and facilitate access to information on the H2020 Calls.
11 project partners coordinated by APRE (Agency for the Promotion of European Research) from Italy
- Outputs:
- Duration: December 2014 - November 2018
- Submitter: European Commission
- Manager: Zsapková Haringová Dominika
For an overview of completed project click on: