Mgr. Vít Punčochář
- Home
Since 2010 member of the Department of Logic at the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Since 2009 PhD student in Philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy and Religious studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague
2009 Master's degree (summa cum laude) in Logic at the Department of Logic, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in PragueContact:
Institute of Philosophy ASCR
Jilska 1
11000 Prague 1
Czech RepublicPhone:
(+420) 221 183 354
vit.puncochar (at)
- Publications
Punčochář, V. Spaces of Information states. To appear.
Punčochář, V. Semantics of Assertibility and Deniability. To appear.
Punčochář, V. (2015). Weak negation in inquisitive semantics. Journal of Logic, Language and Information, DOI: 10.1007/s10849-015-9219-2.
Punčochář, V. (2014). A new semantic framework for modal logic. Philosophical Alternatives 23(6), 47-59.
Punčochář, V. (2014). Indikativní a subjunktivní hypotetické soudy: Epistemický vs. ontický přístup (Indicative and Subjunctive Conditionals: Epistemic vs. Ontic Approach). Organon F 21, Supplementary Issue 1, 119-137.
Punčochář, V. (2014). Intensionalisation of logical operators. In: Dančák, M., Punčochář, V. (eds.): The Logica Yearbook 2013. London: College Publications, 173-186.
Punčochář, V. (2013). Pravdivost vs. tvrditelnost (Truth vs. Assertability). Organon F 20, Supplementary Issue 1, 122-143.
Punčochář, V. (2012). Some modifications of Carnap's modal logic. Studia Logica 100(3), 517-543.
Punčochář, V. (2012). Matematický realismus a naturalismus Penelope Maddy (Mathematical Realism and Penelope Maddy's Naturalism). Organon F 19, Supplementary Issue 1, 199-226.
Punčochář, V. (2010). Carnapova modální logika C (Carnap's Modal Logic C). Organon F 17(2), 163-184.Translations
Stekeler–Weithofer, P.: Sind die Urteile der Arithmetik synthetisch a priori? In: Janoušek, H., Kolman, V. (eds.): Syntetické apriori. Praha: Filosofia, 2012, 441-470.
Bolzano, B.: Anhang über die Kantische Lehre von der Construction der Begriffe durch Anschauungen. In: Janoušek, H., Kolman, V. (eds.): Syntetické apriori. Praha: Filosofia, 2012, 117-123.
Hilbert, D.: Über das Unendliche. In: Kolman, V., Roreitner, R. (eds.): O špatném nekonečnu. Praha: Filosofia, 2013, 343-365.Editorial work
Dančák, M., Punčochář, V. (eds.): The Logica Yearbook 2013. College Publications, 2014.
Punčochář, V., Švarný, P. (eds.): The Logica Yearbook 2012. London: College Publications, 2013.
Peliš, M., Punčochář, V. (eds.): The Logica Yearbook 2011. London: College Publications, 2012.
Peliš, M., Punčochář, V. (eds.): The Logica Yearbook 2010. London: College Publications, 2011. - Conferences
Selected Presentations
Free will and the logic of counterfactual conditionals, 1st World Congress on Logic and Religion, João Pessoa, Brazílie, April 2015.
A new epistemic approach to formal semantics, presented at Eighth European Congress of Analytic Philosophy (ECAP8), Bucharest, Romania, August 2014.
Internal and external logics of Nelson models, presented at 5th World Congress on Paraconsistency (WCP5), Kolkata, India, February 2014.
Intensionalisation of logical operators, presented at Tenth International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation (TbiLLC 2013), Gudauri, Georgia, September 2013.
Indikativní a subjunktivní hypotetické soudy, presented at XVII. Česko-slovenské symposium o analytickej filozofii (SCS 2013), Trenčianske Teplice, Slovakia, September 2013.
Some modifications of inquisitive semantics, presented at Logica 2013, Hejnice, The Czech Republic, June 2013.
A logic of assertibility and deniability, presented at International Symposium of Epistemology, Logic and Language (ISELL2012), Lisbon, Portugal, October 2012.
Kde je hranice mezi sémantikou a pragmatikou?, presented at XVI. Slovensko-české symposium o analytické filosofii, Třešť, The Czech Republic, September 2012.
Conditionals and Contexts, presented at Logic Workshop at Buenos Aires - A Tribute to Horacio Arló-Costa, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 2012.
Matematický realismus a naturalismus Penelope Maddy, presented at XV. Česko-slovenské symposium o analytickej filozofii, Vrútky, Slovakia, September 2011.
A modification of Carnap's modal logic, presented at Logica 2010, Hejnice, The Czech Republic, June 2010.
Organizational Work
Co-organizer of the conferences: Logica 2011, Logica 2012, Logica 2013, Logica 2014
- Funding ID
Participation in Grants and Projects
2013-2016 Foundations of logic in the light of new results of philosophy and science (Czech Science Foundation GA13-21076S)
2011-2015 Apriority, syntheticity and analyticity from medieval thought to contemporary philosophy (Czech Science Foundation GAP401/11/0371)
2009-2012 Logical foundation of semantics (Czech Science Foundation GD401/09/H007)
- Teaching
Teaching (in Czech)
Charles University, Faculty of Arts
Logika 2011/12, 2014/15 [Logic, two-semester course]
Rozšiřující cvičení z logiky 2009/10, 2010/11, 2012/13, 2013/14,2014/15 [Seminar in logic,two-semester course]
Úvod do teoretické sémantiky 2011/12, 2012/13, 2013/14 [Introduction to theoretical semantics, one-semester course]
Seminář k předmětu Filosofie jazyka 2013/14 [Seminar in Philosophy of language, two-semester course]
Logická analýza jazyka 2009/10 [Logical analysis of language, one-semester course]
University of Hradec Králové, Faculty of Arts
Logika 2012/13, 2013/14 [Logic, one-semester course]
Kritické myšlení a argumentace 2013/14 [Critical thinking and argumentation, one-semester course]
Logická analýza jazyka 2013/14 [Logical analysis of language, one-semester course]