

Bohlen Šlechtová Vendula , Mgr.,PhD.

Telephone: +420 315 639 515
Mobile phone:
Department: Laboratory of Fish Genetics
Building: Liběchov/
Institutional service phone: 215

Curriculum vitae:

1998 - 2001

Bachelor student; Biological Faculty, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, Czech Republic

Topic of Bachelor thesis: Genetic structure of populations of European Bullhead (Cottus gobio) within the area of Czech Republic: I. Allozyme mapping

Carried out in: Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics AS CR, v.v.i., Liběchov, Czech Republic

2001 - 2004

Master student; Biological Faculty, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, Czech Republic; Laboratory of Fish Genetics, IAPG AS CR, v.v.i.

Topic of Master Thesis: „Importance of the Alps as a barrier to dispersal in cold-adapted freswater fishes: Phylogeographic history and taxonomic state of the bullhead in the Adriatic freshwater drainage with implications to bullhead diversity in Central Europe“

2004 - 2008

Ph.D. student; Biological Faculty, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, Czech Republic; Laboratory of Fish Genetics, IAPG AS CR, v.v.i.

Topic of Ph.D. thesis: “Phylogenetic relationships of loach fishes of the superfamily Cobitoidea (Teleostei: Cypriniformes) based on molecular data analyses”

2008 - 2014

Postdoc; Laboratory of Fish Genetics, IAPG AS CR, v.v.i.

2014 - present

Researcher; Laboratory of Fish Genetics, IAPG AS CR, v.v.i.


My specialisation is to study biodiversity and evolution of freshwater fishes from population level to superfamily level with the use of molecular genetic tools. I like to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships of fishes and then look on the major evolutionary driving forces that might have influenced the evolution of the studied group. Examples of my work include intraspecific and oligospecific phylogeographic studies on European freshwater fishes with conclusions on their colonisation history and glacial refuges.

Since 2003 I focus intensely on investigations of the diversity of loaches – that means the superfamily Cobitoidea (one of the two superfamilies of the order Cypriniformes, the most species-rich and most diverse group of primary freshwater fishes; Cobitoidea includes also the pivotal model organism of the Laboratory of Fish Genetics – Cobitis). Due to their omnipresence in all river basins in Europe and Asia, loach fishes are one of the most characteristic elements of the Eurasian freshwater fauna and an ideal model to study the impact of vicariance, radiation, colonisation and geological events on local as well as continental scale. Since also hybridisation, polyploidisation and unisexual reproduction have occurred repeatedly and at different times in the evolution of loaches, this fish group provides a perfect example to test for the relative impact of various driving forces in evolution. The high diversity of loaches with about 1100 valid species together with often weakly defined genera, families and even the outline of Cobitoidea themselves made loaches also a taxonomically challenging group. The target is to get the different sources of information (molecular genetics, geological, morphological and cytogenetical data) combined to reconstruct the evolutionary history of loach fishes, and my specialisation in this approach is the work with molecular genetics.

Currently, together with other colleagues from the Laboratory of Fish Genetics we focus on the investigation of origin and stabilisation of a polyploid lineage within the family Botiidae (Cobitoidea) that appeared about 20 mya. Due to the complexity of the topic (particularly the high age of polyploid lineage), we apply a multi-method approach including analyses of DNA variability (sequencing, microsatellites), methods of classical as well as molecular cytogenetis, and transcriptomics.



Finalist of L’OREAL – UNESCO for women in science; honorable mention for the project „Mechanisms determining origin and stabilisation of a polyploid animal lineage in evolution“


Award of the AS CR; member of a team of authors; topic: „Clonal vertebrates: Discovery, mechanisms, biodiversity and reconstruction with use of a model of loach fishes“


Otto Wichterle Award for young researchers of the AS CR and award of the journal 21. Century (21.století)


Award of the journal „21st century“


Best publication of the year 2004 of IAPG AS CR, v.v.i. (Šlechtová, V; Bohlen, J; Freyhof, J; Persat, H; Delmastro, GB, 2004: The Alps as barrier to dispersal in cold-adapted freshwater fishes? Phylogeographic history and taxonomic status of the bullhead in the Adriatic freshwater drainage. Mol Phyl Evol 33 (1): 225 – 239.)

Internship abroad:

Oct 2006

Museum of Natural History, London, United Kingdom;

topic: Morphological and genetical analyses of loaches of the genus Pangio.

Scientific host: Dr. Ralf Britz, Dr. Lukas Rüber

May 2006

Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research, National University, Singapore; topic: Phylogeny and systematics of Asian loaches
Scientific host: Dr. Tan Heok Hui

Nov – Dec 2005

Department of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology, National Museum of Natural Science, Madrid, Spain; topic: Nuclear DNA analyses of European Misgurnus (in frame of European-funded Integrated Infrastructure Initiative grant called SYNTHESYS); Scientific host: Prof. I. Doadrio

April 2005

Department of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology, National Museum of Natural Science, Madrid, Spain; topic: Genetic insight to expansion of non-indigenous fish species and their impact to native ichthyofauna (in frame of the joint project of IAPG AS CR and CSIC); scientific host: Prof. I. Doadrio

June 2004

Institut für Evolutionsbiologie, Universität Bonn, Bonn, Germany; topic: cytogenetic evolution in the African killifish genus Chromaphyosemion; scientific host: PhD. Harald Kullmann

May – June 2003

Department of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology, National Museum of Natural Science, Madrid, Spain; topic: Phylogeography of Cottus in the perialpine area (in frame of Biod-Iberia project of Improving Human Research Potential Program of European Community); scientific host: Prof. I. Doadrio

Sep – Oct 2002

Department of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology, National Museum of Natural Science, Madrid, Spain; topic: Molecular phylogeny of European freshwater fishes of the genus Cobitis; scientific host: Prof. I. Doadrio

Dec 2002

Institute for Genetics, University of Cologne, Köln, Germany; topic: Molecular analyses of the European bullhead (Cottus); scientific host: Prof. D. Tautz, PhD A. Nolte

Selected publications:

10 selected publications:

Geiger M.F., M. T. Monaghan, V. Almada, R. Barbieri, M. Bariche, P. Berrebi, J. Bohlen, M. Casal-Lopez, G. B. Delmastro, G. P. J. Denys,  A. Dettai, I. Doadrio, E. Kalogianni, H. Kärst, M. Kottelat, M. Kovačić, M. Laporte, M. Lorenzoni, Z. Marčić, M. Özulu?, A. Perdices, S. Perea, H. Persat, S. Porcelotti, C. Puzzi, J. Robalo, R. Šanda, M. Schneider, V. Šlechtová jr.,  M. Stoumboudi, S. Walter, J. Freyhof 2014. Spatial Heterogeneity in the Mediterranean Biodiversity Hotspot Affects Barcoding Accuracy of its Freshwater Fishes. Molecular Ecology Resources 14: 1210-1221.
IF 2013: 5.626

Bohlen, J., V. Šlechtová jr. 2013. Two new species of Schistura (Nemacheilidae) from Myanmar. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters 24: 21-30.     
IF 2013: 2.275

Bohlen, J., V. Šlechtová jr. 2013. Schistura puncticeps (Cobitoidea: Nemacheilidae), a new species of loach from Myanmar. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters 24:85-92. 
IF 2013: 2.275

Bohlen, J.,  Šlechtová, V. jr., Tan, HH,  Britz, R, 2011: Phylogeny of the Southeast Asian freshwater fish genus Pangio (Cypriniformes, Cobitidae). MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION 61 (3): 854 – 865. doi 10.1016/j.ympev.2011.08.003.

Šlechtová, V. jr., Bohlen, J.,  Perdices, A. , 2008: Molecular phylogeny of the freshwater fish family Cobitidae (Cypriniformes : Teleostei): Delimitation of genera, mitochondrial introgression and evolution of sexual dimorphism. MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION 47 (2): 812 – 831. doi 10.1016/j.ympev.2007.12.018.

Šedivá, A., Janko, K., Šlechtová, V. jr., Kotlík, P., Simonovic, P., Delic, A., Vassilev, M, 2008: Around or across the Carpathians: colonization model of the Danube basin inferred from genetic diversification of stone loach (Barbatula barbatula) populations. MOLECULAR ECOLOGY 17 (5): 1277 – 1292. doi 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2007.03656.x.

Šlechtová, V. jr. , Bohlen, J., Tan, HH, 2007: Families of Cobitoidea (Teleostei: Cypriniformes) as revealed from nuclear genetic data and the position of the mysterious genera Barbucca, Psilorhynchus, Serpenticobitis and Vaillantella. MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION 44 (3): 1358 – 1365. doi 10.1016/j.ympev.2007.02.019.

Šlechtová, V. jr., Bohlen, J., Freyhof, J., Ráb, P., 2006: Molecular phylogeny of the Southeast Asian freshwater fish family Botiidae (Teleostei : Cobitoldea) and the origin of polyploidy in their evolution. MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION 39 (2): 529 – 541. doi 10.1016/j.ympev.2005.09.018.

Bohlen, J., Šlechtová, V. jr., Bogutskaya, N., Freyhof, J, 2006: Across Siberia and over Europe: Phylogenetic relationships of the freshwater fish genus Rhodeus in Europe and the phylogenetic position of Rhodeus sericeus from the River Amur. MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION 40 (3): 856 – 865. doi 10.1016/j.ympev.2006.04.020.

Šlechtová, V. jr., Bohlen, J.,  Freyhof, J.,  Persat, H., Delmastro, GB.,  2004: The Alps as barrier to dispersal in cold-adapted freshwater fishes? Phylogeographic history and taxonomic status of the bullhead in the Adriatic freshwater drainage. MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION 33 (1): 225 – 239. doi 10.1016/j.ympev.2004.05.005.



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