Alumni Profiles

Filip Pertold

Filip Pertold

Czech Republic, PhD 2010

Filip Pertold is currently a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Department of Economics, Aarhus Business School in Denmark. He earned his MSc degree in Finance at the Prague University of Economics before joining CERGE-EI in 2004. While pursuing his PhD, he worked as a junior economist at the Czech National Bank and as a research fellow at the Institute for Health Research and Policy at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He defended his dissertation, titled "Essays on Social Interactions and Policy Evaluation" in late 2010 just before moving to Denmark to take up his current post-doctorate position.

He is working on a project titled "Friends or foes? – Understanding the role of firms and workplaces for worker health" at present. His most recent publication is a working paper at the Aarhus School of Business titled "Don’t Drink and… Avoid Risky Sex of Your Peers : The Influence of Alcohol Consumption of Opposite-Gender Peers on Youth Risky Sexual Behavior". His research interests, broadly defined, include labor and health economics, policy evaluation, social interactions and health outcomes and labor supply of older workers.