Klíčové výsledky / Key results


Svoboda, V. & Peregrin, J.:
Logical formalization and the formation of logic(s)
Logique et Analyse, to appear

Peregrin, J.:
Logic reduced to bare (proof-theoretical) bones
Journal of Logic, Language and Information, to appear

Peregrin, J.:
Inferentialism: Why Rules Matter
Palgrave Macmillan, 2014

Svoboda, V.:
Logika pro Pány, Otroky a Kibice
Filosofický průvodce světem deontické logiky

Filosofia, 2013

 Acta Analytica

Materna, P.:
Simple concepts
Acta Analytica 28(3),
2013, pp. 295-319


Materna, P.:
Equivalence of Problems
Axiomathes Volume 23(4),
2013, pp. 617-631


Peregrin, J. & Svoboda, V.:
Criteria for logical formalization
Synthese 190(14),
2013, pp. 2897-2924

Studia Logica

Punčochář, V.:
Some modifications of Carnap's modal logic
Studia Logica 100(3),
2012, pp. 517-543

Journal of Logic, Language and Information

Childers, T. & Majer, O. (eds.):
Interpreting Probability
special issue
of Journal of Logic, Language and Information 21(2), 2012

Prague international colloquium
Foundations of Uncertainty: Probability and its Rivals

Duží, M., Jespersen, B., Materna, P.:
Procedural Semantics for Hyperintensional Logic
(Foundations and Applications of TIL)
Springer, 2010

Journal of Philosophical Logic

Peregrin, J.:
Inferentializing Semantics
Journal of Philosophical Logic
2010, pp. 255-274

Svoboda, V. & Peregrin, J.:
Od jazyka k logice
(Filozofický úvod do moderní logiky)

Academia, 2009

Majer, O., Pietarinen, A.-V., Tulenheimo, T. (eds.):
Games: Unifying Logic, Language, and Philosophy
Springer, 2009

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