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David Hanslian
Position: | Ph.D. Student | Email: |
Phone: | +420 272 016 023 |
Room: | 23 |
- 1996-2002: Geography and Cartography (Climatology and Hydrology specialization); Faculty of Science, Masaryk University in Brno
- 2001-2004: Applied Meteorology; Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague
- since 2005: PhD studies (Meteorology and climatology); Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague
Employment and academic experience:
- since 2002: Department of Meteorology, Institute of Atmospheric Physics AS CR
Professional interests:
- since 2002: Department of Meteorology, Institute of Atmospheric Physics AS CR
Selected publications:
- Hanslian, David ; Hošek, Jiří, 2015: Combining the VAS 3D interpolation method and Wind Atlas methodology to produce a high-resolution wind resource map for the Czech Republic, Renewable Energy, roč. 77, -, pp. 291-299
- Kaláb, Z. ; Hanslian, David ; Stolárik, M. ; Pinka, M. , 2014: Analysis of Wind Energy Potential and Vibrations Caused by Wind Turbine on Its Basement, Acta Montanistica Slovaca, 19, 3, pp. 151-159
- Hanslian, D., 2012: Větrné elektrárny (kapitola v knize), Profi Press, Obnovitelné zdroje energie, ISBN 978-80-86726-48-9, pp. 116-139
- Hanslian, D., 2012: Větrné podmínky pro malé větrné elektrárny., TZB info
- Řezáčová, Daniela ; Kašpar, Marek ; Müller, Miloslav ; Sokol, Zbyněk ; Kakos, Vilibald ; Hanslian, David ; Pešice, Petr., 2005: A comparison of the flood precipitation episode in August 2002 with historic extreme precipitation events on the Czech territory, Atmospheric Research, 77, -, pp. 354-366
- Hanslian D., Hošek J., Chládová Z., Pop L., 2014: Větrná mapa České republiky pro výšku 100 m nad zemským povrchem., Met. zprávy, 67, pp. 97-105
- Hanslian, D., 2014: Analýza výsledků měření větru., Katedra meteorologie a ochrany prostředí, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, Praha, Disertační práce, pp. 159 s.
- Hanslian, D., 2014: Wind data analysis., Department of Meteorology and Environmental Protection, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles , Abstract of Doctoral Thesis., pp. 37 s.
- Hanslian D., Hošek J., Chládová Z., Pop L. , 2013: Větrné podmínky v České republice ve výšce 10 m nad povrchem I., TZB-info
- Hanslian D., Hošek J., Chládová Z., Pop L., 2013: Větrné podmínky v České republice ve výšce 10 m nad povrchem II., TZB-info
- Hanslian D., Chládová Z., Pop L., Hošek J., 2012: Modely pro konstrukci větrných map v ČR., Meteorologické zprávy, 65, pp. 36-44
- Hanslian, D., 2011: Technický potenciál větrné energie v České republice., Energetika, 61, pp. 467-471
- AV ČR. Kód IAA300420704, Missing CO2 flux in night-time eddy covariance measurements, 2008-2011. Investigator: Sedlák, P., Team: Potužníková K., Hanslian D., Hošek J., Koucká Knížová P.
orienteering and other sports in the nature (biking, cross-country skiing,...), hiking and alpinism, weather forecasting, travelling, maps and cartography, geography, global problems