Saturday, 8 08 2015

Last update30.07 12:54

What Is Important in Our Lives

The respondents consider their family environment to be the most important part of their lives: the family was rated as very important by 83 %, the children by 72 % and the partner by 71 % of citizens. Parents are very important for about two thirds of respondents (68 %). For most of the people, work represents a high value - for 54 % of people it is very important, for 31 % quite important. Similarly but a little less, respondents value friends - for 51 % of respondents friends play an important role, for 40 % quite an important role in their lives. Considerable significance was attributed to free time and hobbies. These are considered as unimportant by about one fifth of respondents, while for others they represent a very (34 %) or quite (47 %) important aspect of their lives. According to the answers of the majority of respondents politics plays only an insignificant role in their lives. Only about one quarter see it as important - for 4 % it is very and for 22 % quite important.


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