Basic Information

Entrance to the TC ASCREntrance to the TC ASCR
Contact for media:
Mrs. Michaela Blstakova
GSM: +420 725 047 814

The Technology Centre of the ASCR (TC) is a non-profit special-interest association of legal entities – five institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the CR and Technology Management, s. r. o. Since its foundation in 1994, the TC has quickly become the leading national institution for the support of international research and development cooperation.

The Centre's activities include significant support for the creation and development of small innovation businesses and the realisation of subsequent challenging technology transfers. The TC successfully operated the first business incubator at the Academy of Sciences for several years, and has taken part in the activities of the innovation and business incubator together with the CKD group companies since 2008.

The TC specialises in analytical and conceptual work that has led to the formation of the national STRAST think-tank that tackles research, development, and innovation strategies, evaluation of research and research programmes as well as identification of research priorities related to the socio-economic needs of the Czech Republic.

The Czech Liaison Office for Research and Development, CZELO, has been operated by the TC in Brussels since 2005. It forms a connecting element between Czech research and research administration within the European Community.

More detailed information is available in our informational flyer.