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Working Papers

CERGE-EI Working Papers are widely distributed both as hard copies and over the Internet (via our web page and the SSRN network). Before publication, they undergo a full-fledged refereeing process and are also edited by the Academic Skills Center. For potential submissions, please contact the editor at wpeditor@cerge-ei.czThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Go to CERGE-EI Working Papers published in:

2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000
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514. Hernando-Veciana, Ángel, and Fabio Michelucci. July 2014. “On the Optimality of Not Allocating.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

513. Bičáková, Alena. June 2014. “Selection into Labor Force and Gender Unemployment Gaps.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

512. Bauer, Michal, Nathan Fiala, and Ian Levely. March 2014. “Trusting Former Rebels: An Experimental Approach to Understanding Reintegration after Civil War.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

511. Lavička, Hynek, Tomáš Lichard, and Jan Novotný. March 2014. “Sand in the Wheels or Wheels in the Sand? Tobin Taxes and Market Crashes.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

510. Vorobyev, Dmitriy. February 2014. “Participation in Fraudulent Elections.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

509. Jurajda, Štěpán, and Daniel Münich. February 2014. “Alphabetical Order Effects in School Admissions.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

508. Hait, Pavel and Petr Janský. February 2014. “Inflation Differentials among Czech Households.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

507. Gillman, Max, Michal Kejak, and Michal Pakoš. February 2014. “Learning about Rare Disasters: Implications for Consumption and Asset Prices.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

506. Kuncl, Martin. February 2014. “Securitization under Asymmetric Information over the Business Cycle.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

505. Montag, Josef. January 2014. “What Drives the Gender Gap? An Analysis Using Sexual Orientation.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

504. Bičáková, Alena and Štěpán Jurajda. January 2014. “The Quiet Revolution and the Family: Gender Composition of Tertiary Education and Early Fertility Patterns.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

503. van Koten, Silvester. January 2014. “Do Emission Trading Schemes Facilitate Efficient Abatement Investments? An Experimental Study.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

502. Bičáková, Alena. January 2014. “The Trade-off Between Unemployment and Wage Inequality Revisited” (Abstract) (Full Text)

501. Palguta, Ján. January 2014. “Concealed Ownership of Contractors, Manipulation of Tenders and the Allocation of Public Procurement Contracts.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

500. Jurajda, Štěpán, and Daniel Munich. January 2014. “Candidate Ballot Information and Election Outcomes: The Czech Case.” (Abstract) (Full Text)


499. Bartoš, Vojtěch, Michal Bauer, Julie Chytilová, and Filip Matějka. December 2013. “Attention Discrimination: Theory and Field Experiments.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

498. Brushko, Iuliia. November 2013. “Financial Signaling and Earnings Forecasts.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

497. Senyuta, Olena. November 2013. “Delegation and Performance.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

496. Kalíšková, Klára. November 2013. “Family Taxation and the Female Labor Supply: Evidence from the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

495. Janjgava, Batlome. October 2013. “Free Entry and Social Efficiency under Unknown Demand Parameters.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

494. Lichard, Tomáš, Jan Hanousek, and Randall K. Filer. October 2013. “Measuring the Shadow Economy: Endogenous Switching Regression with Unobserved Separation.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

493. Gregor, Martin. October 2013. “The Optimal Ballot Structure for Double-Member Districts.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

492. Lanchava, Lasha. September 2013. “Free to Choose: An Experimental Investigation of the Value of Free Choice.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

491. Vikhrov, Dmytro. September 2013. “Welfare Effects of Labor Migration.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

490. Žigić, Krešimir, Jiří Střelický, and Michael Kúnin. September 2013. “The Interaction between Private and Public IPR Protection in a Software Market: A Positive and Normative Analysis.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

489. Hernando-Veciana, Ángel, and Fabio Michelucci. August 2013. “Do Not Panic: How to Avoid Inefficient Rushes Using Multi-Stage Auctions.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

488. Montag, Josef. August 2013. “Is Pro-Labor Law Pro-Women? Evidence from India” (Abstract) (Full Text)

487. Katuščák, Peter, Fabio Michelucci, and Miroslav Zajíček. June 2013. “Does Anticipated Regret Really Matter? Revisiting the Role of Feedback in Auction Bidding.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

486. Hromádková, Eva, and Michal Zděnek. April 2013. “Demand Side Cost-Sharing and Prescription Drugs Utilization: Evidence From a Quasi-Natural Experiment.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

485. Stankov, Petar. April 2013. “Firm Size, Market Liberalization and Growth.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

484. Montag, Josef. February 2013. “A Radical Change in Traffic Law: Effects on Fatalities in the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

483. Palguta, Ján. March 2013. “Nonlinear Incentive Schemes and Corruption in Public Procurement: Evidence from the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

482. Rychalovska, Yuliya. March 2013. “The Implications of Financial Frictions and Imperfect Knowledge in the Estimated DSGE Model of the U.S. Economy.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

481. Kristoufek, Ladislav, Karel Janda, and David Zilberman. February 2013. “Non-linear Price Transmission between Biofuels, Fuels and Food Commodities.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

480. Filer, Randall K., and Dragana Stanišić. January 2013. “The Effect of Terrorist Incidents on Capital Flows.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

479. Jeong, Byeongju. January 2013. “Bargaining and Wealth Accumulation.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

478. Střelický, Jiří, and Krešimir Žigić. January 2013. “Software Upgrades under Monopoly.” (Abstract) (Full Text)


477. Audzei, Volha. December 2012. “Efficiency of Central Bank Policy During the Crisis: Role of Expectations in Reinforcing Hoarding Behavior.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

476. Algozhina, Aliya. December 2012. “Monetary and Fiscal Policy Interactions in an Emerging Open Economy: A Non-Ricardian DSGE Approach.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

475. Bičáková, Alena. December 2012. “Gender Unemployment Gaps in the EU: Blame the Family.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

474. Stankov, Petar. December 2012. “Banking Crises and Reversals in Financial Reforms.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

473. Kochanova, Anna. December 2012. “The Impact of Bribery on Firm Performance: Evidence from Central and Eastern European Countries.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

472. Senyuta, Olena, and Krešimir Žigić. November 2012. “Managing Spillovers: An Endogenous Sunk Cost Approach.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

471. Nikolovová, Pavla. November 2012. “The Impact of FDI on the Host Economy.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

470. Janda, Karel, and Barbora Svárovská. October 2012. “Suitability of Microfinance as an Investment Option.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

469. Ettinger, David, and Fabio Michelucci. October 2012. “Hiding Information in Open Auctions.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

468. Babecký, Jan, Kamil Galuščák, and Lubomír Lízal. October 2012. “Firm-Level Labour Demand: Adjustment in Good Times and During the Crisis.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

467. Münich, Daniel, Martin Srholec, Michael Moritz, and Johannes Schäffler. October 2012. “Mothers and Daughters: Heterogeneity of German Direct Investments in the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

466. Aliyev, Ruslan. August 2012. “Monetary Policy in Resource-Rich Developing Economies.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

465. Tashpulatov, Sherzod, and Lubomír Lízal. July 2012. “Can Producers Apply a Capacity Cutting Strategy to Increase Prices? The Case of the England and Wales Electricity Market.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

464. Aliyev, Ilkin. July 2012. “Is Fiscal Policy Procyclical in Resource-Rich Countries?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

463. Jerbashian, Vahagn, and Anna Kochanova. June 2012. “The Impact of Telecommunication Technologies on Competition in Services and Goods Markets: Empirical Evidence.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

462. Madzharova, Boryana. May 2012. “Intertemporal Income Shifting in Expectation of Lower Corporate Tax Rates: The Tax Reforms in Central and Eastern Europe.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

461. Janda, Karel, Eva Michalíková, and Jiří Skuhrovec. May 2012. “Credit Support for Export: Evidence from the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

460. Otrachshenko, Vladimir, and Olga Popova. April 2012. “Life (Dis)satisfaction and the Decision to Migrate: Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

459. Mathevet, Laurent, and Jakub Steiner. April 2012. “Sand in the Wheels: A Dynamic Global-Game Approach.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

458. Steiner, Jakub, and Colin Stewart. April 2012. “Influential Opinion Leaders.” (Abstract) (Full Text) (Updated Version, October 2012)

457. Rydval, Ondřej. April 2012. “The Causal Effect of Cognitive Abilities on Economic Behavior: Evidence from a Forecasting Task with Varying Cognitive Load.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

456. Hanousek, Jan, Evžen Kočenda, and Michal Mašika. April 2012. “Firm Efficiency: Domestic Owners, Coalitions, and FDI.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

455. Fagerberg, Jan, Maryann Feldman, and Martin Srholec. March 2012. “Technological Dynamics and Social Capability: Comparing U.S. States and European Nations.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

454. Feldman, Naomi E., and Peter Katuščák. February 2012. “Effects of Predictable Tax Liability Variation on Household Labor Income.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

453. Aslanyan, Gurgen. February 2012. “Immigration Control & Long-Run Population Welfare.” (Abstract) (Full Text)


452. Bena, Jan, Peter Ondko, and Evangelia Vourvachaki. December 2011. “Productivity Gains from Services Liberalization in Europe.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

451. Aliyev, Ilkin. October 2011. “Understanding the Resource Impact Using Matching.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

450. Bauer, Michal, Julie Chytilová, and Barbara Pertold-Gebicka. October 2011. “Effects of Parental Background on Other-regarding Preferences in Children.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

449. Ivanova, Renata, and Byeongju Jeong. November 2011. “Why Don't Migrants with Secondary Education Return?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

448. Madzharova, Boryana. September 2011. “The Effect of Low Corporate Tax Rate on Payroll Tax Evasion.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

447. Vorobyev, Dmitriy. September 2011. “Towards Detecting and Measuring Ballot Stuffing.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

446. Rusnák, Marek, Tomáš Havránek, and Roman Horváth. September 2011. “How to Solve the Price Puzzle? A Meta-Analysis.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

445. Janjgava, Batlome, and Sergey Slobodyan. September 2011. “Duopoly Competition, Escape Dynamics and Non-cooperative Collusion.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

444. Vozár, Mário. August 2011. “Marriage Dot EU: The Effect of Internet Usage on Marriage Hazard.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

443. Bičáková, Alena, Zuzana Prelcová, and Renata Pašaličová. July 2011. “Who Borrows and Who May Not Repay?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

442. Matějka, Filip, and Alisdair McKay. June 2011. “Rational Inattention to Discrete Choices: A New Foundation for the Multinomial Logit Model.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

441. Matějka, Filip, and Christopher A. Sims. June 2011. “Discrete Actions in Information-Constrained Tracking Problems.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

440. Çelik, Levent, and Bilgehan Karabay. May 2011. “A Note on Equilibrium Uniqueness in the Baron-Ferejohn Model.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

439. Tashpulatov, Sherzod. May 2011. “Estimating the Volatility of Electricity Prices: The Case of the England and Wales Wholesale Electricity Market.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

438. Dinga, Marián. April 2011. “The Role of Investment Incentives in Regional FDI Reallocation: A Regression-Discontinuity Approach.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

437. Van Koten, Silvester, and Andreas Ortmann. April 2011. “Structural versus Behavioral Remedies in the Deregulation of Electricity Markets: An Experimental Investigation Guided by Theory and Policy Concerns.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

436. Janda, Karel. April 2011. “Credit Rationing and Public Support of Commercial Credit.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

435. Střelický, Jiří, and Krešimir Žigić. March 2011. “Intellectual Property Rights Protection and Enforcement in a Software Duopoly.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

434. Hanousek, Jan, Evžen Kočenda, and Jan Novotný. March 2011. “The Identification of Price Jumps.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

433. Katuščák, Peter. February 2011. “Consumer Reactions To Unobserved Changes in Price Schedules.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

432. Srholec, Martin. January 2011. “A Multilevel Analysis of Innovation in Developing Countries.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

431. Jerbashian, Vahagn. January 2011. “The Telecommunications Industry and Economic Growth: How the Market Structure Matters.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

430. Tsharakyan, Ashot, and Petr Zemčík. January 2011. “Rent Deregulation, Tenure Choice, and Real Estate Price Expectations.” (Abstract) (Full Text)


429. Shamshur, Anastasiya. December 2010. “Access to Capital and Capital Structure of the Firm.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

428. Popova, Olga. December 2010. “Corruption, Voting and Employment Status: Evidence from Russian Parliamentary Elections.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

427. Žigić, Krešimir. November 2010. “Second-Best Trade Policies, R&D Spillovers and Government (In)ability to Precommit in an Intra-Industry Trade Framework.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

426. Horváth, Roman, and Jakub Matějů. October 2010. “How Are Inflation Targets Set?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

425. Popova, Olga. October 2010. “Can Religion Insure against Aggregate Shocks to Happiness? The Case of Transition Countries.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

424. Stankov, Petar. October 2010. “Deregulation, Economic Growth and Growth Acceleration.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

423. Maksudova, Nargiza. October 2010. “Macroeconomics of Microfinance: How Do the Channels Work?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

422. Pertold, Filip. October 2010. “Don't Drink and... Avoid Risky Sex of Your Peers: The Influence of Alcohol Consumption of Opposite-Gender Peers on Youth Risky Sexual Behavior.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

421. Pertold-Gębicka, Barbara. October 2010. “Measuring Skill Intensity of Occupations with Imperfect Substitutability Across Skill Types.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

420. Vorobyev, Dmitriy. October 2010. “Growth of Electoral Fraud in Non-Democracies: The Role of Uncertainty.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

419. Babický, Vítězslav, Andreas Ortmann, and Silvester van Koten. October 2010. “Fairness in Risky Environments: Theory and Evidence.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

418. Shestakova, Natalia. September 2010. “Overcoming Consumer Biases in the Choice of Pricing Schemes: A Lab Experiment.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

417. Vozár, Mário. September 2010. “The Effect of Time in a Multi-Dimensional Marriage Market Model.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

416. Novotný, Jan. September 2010. “Were Stocks during the Financial Crisis More Jumpy: A Comparative Study.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

415. Tashpulatov, Sherzod. September 2010. “Analysis of Electricity Industry Liberalization in Great Britain: How Did the Bidding Behavior of Electricity Producers Change?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

414. Jeong, Byeongju. August 2010. “Intergenerational Bargaining in Technology Adoption.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

413. Ostatnický, Michal. August 2010. “Oligopolistic Price Competition with Informed and Uninformed Buyers.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

412. Novotný, Jan. August 2010. “Price Jumps in Visegrad Country Stock Markets: An Empirical Analysis.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

411. Shestakova, Natalia. July 2010. “Pricing Scheme Choice: How Process Affects Outcome.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

410. Bičáková, Alena. May 2010. “Gender Unemployment Gaps: Evidence from the New EU Member States.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

409. Matějka, Filip. April 2010. “Rigid Pricing and Rationally Inattentive Consumer.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

408. Matějka, Filip. March 2010. “Rationally Inattentive Seller: Sales and Discrete Pricing.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

407. Gębicka, Barbara. March 2010. “College Degree Supply and Occupational Allocation of Graduates the Case of the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

406. Anastassova, Lubomira. February 2010. “Are Immigrants Paid Less for Education?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

405. Earnhart, Dietrich, and Lubomír Lízal. February 2010. “Pollution Control in a Transition Economy: Do Firms Face Economies and/or Diseconomies of Scale?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

404. Krajčová, Jana. January 2010. “On the Hidden Costs of Monitoring Corruption or Effort.” (Abstract) (Full Text)


403. Tsuchimoto, Fusako, and Libor Dušek. December 2009. “Responses to More Severe Punishment in the Courtroom: Evidence from Truth-in-Sentencing Laws.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

402. Brázdik, František. December 2009. “Announced Regime Switch: Optimal Policy for Transition Period.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

401. Kováč, Eugen, Viatcheslav Vinogradov, and Krešimir Žigić. December 2009. “Technological Leadership and Persistence of Monopoly under Endogenous Entry: Static versus Dynamic Analysis.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

400. Hromádková, Eva. November 2009. “Gatekeeping—Open Door to Effective Medical Care Utilisation?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

399. Pertold, Filip. November 2009. “Sorting into Secondary Education and Peer Effects in Youth Smoking.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

398. Bena, Jan, and Peter Ondko. November 2009. “Financial Development and Allocation of External Finance.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

397. Kálovcová, Katarína, and Andreas Ortmann. November 2009. “Understanding the Plott–Wit–Yang Paradox.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

396. Slobodyan, Sergey, and Raf Wouters. November 2009. “Learning in an Estimated Medium-Scale DSGE Model.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

395. Tsuchimoto, Fusako. November 2009. “A Theory of Ethnic Diversity and Income Distribution.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

394. Stančík, Juraj, and Timo Välilä. November 2009. “Changes in the Fiscal Stance and the Composition of Public Spending.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

393. Shamshur, Anastasiya. September 2009. “Is the Stability of Leverage Ratios Determined by the Stability of the Economy?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

392. Basl, Josef, Daniel Münich, and Oleg Sidorkin. September 2009. “Publication Productivity of Czech Sociology in Scientific Journals Within the Last Decade.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

391. Morgese Borys, Magdalena, and Petr Zemčík. September 2009. “Size and Value Efects in the Visegrad Countries.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

390. Zemčík, Petr. September 2009. “Housing Markets in Central and Eastern Europe: Is There a Bubble in the Czech Republic?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

389. Jurajda, Štěpán, and Juraj Stančík. September 2009. “Foreign Ownership and Corporate Performance: The Czech Republic at EU Entry.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

388. Dvořák, Pavel, and Jan Hanousek. August 2009. “Paying for Banking Services: What Determines the Fees?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

387. Konečný, Tomáš. August 2009. “Expatriates and Trade.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

386. Vourvachaki, Evangelia. August 2009. “Information and Communication Technologies in a Multi-sector Endogenous Growth Model.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

385. Rydval, Ondřej, Andreas Ortmann, Sasha Prokosheva, and Ralph Hertwig. July 2009. “How Certain Is the Uncertainty Effect?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

384. Břeský, Michal. May 2009. “Revenue and Efficiency in Multi-Unit Uniform-Price Auctions.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

383. Tinn, Katrin, and Evangelia Vourvachaki. April 2009. “Can Optimism about Technology Stocks Be Good for Welfare? Positive Spillovers versus Equity Market Losses.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

382. Hanousek, Jan, and Evžen Kočenda. February 2009. “Intraday Price Discovery in Emerging European Stock Markets.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

381. Boháček, Radim, and Volha Belush. January 2009. “Social Security Reform in a Dynastic Life-Cycle Model with Endogenous Fertility.” (Abstract) (Full Text)


380. Rychalovska, Yuliya. December 2008. “The Implications of Structural Asymmetries for Monetary Policy and Welfare in a Small Open Economy: A Linear Quadratic Framework.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

379. Bogomolova, Anna, and Dmitri Kolyuzhnov. December 2008. “Optimal Monetary Policy Rules: The Problem of Stability Under Heterogeneous Learning.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

378. Kolyuzhnov, Dmitri. December 2008. “Economic Dynamics Under Heterogeneous Learning: Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Stability.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

377. Bena, Jan. December 2008. “The Effect of Credit Rationing on the Shape of the Competition-Innovation Relationship.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

376. Břeský, Michal. December 2008. “Pure Equilibrium Strategies in Multi-Unit Auctions with Private Value Bidders.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

375. Maçi, Ilir, and Krešimir Žigić. November 2008. “Competition Policy and Market Leaders.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

374. Kováč, Eugen, and Jakub Steiner. November 2008. “Reversibility in Dynamic Coordination Problems.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

373. Krajč, Marian. November 2008. “Are the Unskilled Really That Unaware? Understanding Seemingly Biased Self-Assessments.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

372. Krajčová, Jana, and Andreas Ortmann. November 2008. “Testing Leniency Programs Experimentally: The Impact of ‘Natural’ Framing.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

371. Jurajda, Štěpán, and Daniel Münich. November 2008. “Gender Gap in Admission Performance under Competitive Pressure.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

370. Krajčová, Jana. October 2008. “Testing Leniency Programs Experimentally: The Impact of Change in Parameterization.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

369. Žigić, Krešimir. October 2008. “Stackelberg Leadership with Product Differentiation and Endogenous Entry: Some Comparative Static and Limiting Results.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

368. Brázdik, František, and Juraj Antal. October 2008. “Macroeconomic Stability: Transition Towards the Nominal Exchange Rate Stability.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

367. Konečný, Tomáš, and Jan Mysliveček. September 2008. “Fair Trade—Is It Really Fair?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

366. Aslanidi, Olga. September 2008. “Dollarization in Transition Economies: New Evidence from Georgia.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

365. Kopřiva, František. September 2008. “Source of Information-Driven Trading on the Prague Stock Exchange.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

364. Mysliveček, Jan. September 2008. “How to Price Imperfect Certification.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

363. Çelik, Levent. September 2008. “Viewer Sampling and Quality Signaling in a Television Market.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

362. Çelik, Levent. September 2008. “Monopoly Provision of Tune-ins.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

361. Mysliveček, Jan. September 2008. “Comparing Certification and Self-Regulation.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

360. Hanousek, Jan, and Filip Palda. September 2008. “Tax Evasion Dynamics in the Czech Republic: First Evidence of an Evasional Kuznets Curve.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

359. Çelik, Levent. September 2008. “Strategic Informative Advertising in a Horizontally Differentiated Duopoly.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

358. Saxa, Branislav. August 2008. “Learning-by-Exporting or Managerial Quality? Evidence from the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

357. Tsharakyan, Ashot. August 2008. “The Effect of Mortgage Origination Fees on the Housing Price Dynamics.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

356. Yemelyanau, Maksim. June 2008. “Inequality in Belarus from 1995 to 2005.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

355. Ortmann, Andreas, and Sergey Slobodyan. June 2008. “(The Evolution of) Post-Secondary Education: A Computational Model and Experiments.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

354. Břeský, Michal. May 2008. “Properties of Equilibrium Strategies in Multiple-Unit, Uniform-Price Auctions.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

353. Babecký, Jan, Fabrizio Coricelli, and Roman Horváth. June 2008. “Assessing Inflation Persistence: Micro Evidence on an Inflation Targeting Economy.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

352. Cho, Junghun. June 2008. “Sequential Cheap Talk from Advisors with Reputation.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

351. Bičáková, Alena, Jiří Slačálek, and Michal Slavík. March 2008. “Labor Supply after Transition: Evidence from the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

350. Franta, Michal, and Martin Guzi. March 2008. “Unequal Access to Higher Education in the Czech Republic: The Role of Spatial Distribution of Universities.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

349. Hanousek, Jan, Evžen Kočenda, and Ali Kutan. March 2008. “The Reaction of Asset Prices to Macroeconomic Announcements in New EU Markets: Evidence from Intraday Data.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

348. Dinga, Marián. February 2008. “The Impact of Territorially Concentrated FDI on Local Labor Markets: Evidence from the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

347. Rydval, Ondřej, Andreas Ortmann, and Michal Ostatnický. January 2008. “Three Very Simple Games and What It Takes to Solve Them.” (Abstract) (Full Text)


346. Van Koten, Silvester. December 2007. “Legally Separated Joint Ownership of Bidder and Auctioneer: Illustrated by the Partial Deregulation of the EU Electricity Markets.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

345. Jurajda, Štěpán, and Katherine Terrell. December 2007. “Regional Unemployment and Human Capital in Transition Economies.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

344. Aslanidi, Olga. November 2007. “Determinants and Effectiveness of Foreign Exchange Interventions: New Evidence from Georgian Data.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

343. Cho, Junghun. November 2007. “Self-Reputation and Perception of Reputation.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

342. Mravec, Michal. September 2007. “Understanding the Lack of Competition in Natural Gas Markets: The Impact of Storage Ownership and Upstream Competition.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

341. Drnáková, Lenka. September 2007. “Determinants of Secondary School Choice in the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

340. Stančík, Juraj. September 2007. “Horizontal and Vertical FDI Spillovers: Recent Evidence from the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

339. Morgese Borys, Magdalena, and Roman Horváth. September 2007. “The Effects of Monetary Policy in the Czech Republic: An Empirical Study.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

338. Mikhed, Vyacheslav, and Petr Zemčík. October 2007. “Testing for Bubbles in Housing Markets: A Panel Data Approach.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

337. Mikhed, Vyacheslav, and Petr Zemčík. October 2007. “Do House Prices Reflect Fundamentals? Aggregate and Panel Data Evidence.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

336. Kováč, Eugen, and Krešimir Žigić. August 2007. “International Competition in Vertically Differentiated Markets with Innovation and Imitation: Trade Policy versus Free Trade.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

335. Fungáčová, Zuzana. August 2007. “Can the Market Fix a Wrong Administrative Decision? Massive Delisting on the Prague Stock Exchange.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

334. Ortmann, Andreas, Sasha Prokosheva, Ondřej Rydval, and Ralph Hertwig. July 2007. “Valuing a Risky Prospect Less than Its Worst Outcome: Uncertainty Effect or Task Ambiguity?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

333. Tsharakyan, Ashot. July 2007. “Welfare Effects of Housing Price Appreciation in an Economy With Binding Credit Constraints.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

332. Çelik, Levent. July 2007. “Informative Advertising and Consumer Search in a Differentiated-Products Duopoly.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

331. Paligorova, Teodora. July 2007. “Corporate Governance and Executive Pay: Evidence from a Recent Reform.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

330. Bena, Jan, and Štěpán Jurajda. June 2007. “Which Firms Benefit More from Financial Development?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

329. Konečný, Tomáš. May 2007. “Can Immigrants Hurt Trade?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

328. Van Koten, Silvester, and Andreas Ortmann. May 2007. “The Unbundling Regime for Electricity Utilities in the EU: A Case of Legislative and Regulatory Capture?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

327. Devetag, Giovanna, and Andreas Ortmann. April 2007. “Classic Coordination Failures Revisited: The Effects of Deviation Costs and Loss Avoidance.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

326. Slobodyan, Sergey, and Viatcheslav Vinogradov. April 2007. “The Demographic Challenge of the Interconnected Education and Pension System in the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

325. Krajč, Marian, and Andreas Ortmann. April 2007. “Are the Unskilled Really That Unaware? An alternative explanation.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

324. Steiner, Jakub, and Colin Stewart. April 2007. “Learning by Similarity in Coordination Problems.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

323. Morgese Borys, Magdalena. March 2007. “Testing Multi-Factor Asset Pricing Models in the Visegrad Countries.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

322. Babetskii, Ian, and Nauro Campos. March 2007. “Does Reform Work? An Econometric Examination of the Reform-Growth Puzzle.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

321. Černý, Alexandr, and Randall Filer. March 2007. “Natural Resources: Are They Really a Curse?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

320. Svítková, Katarína. March 2007. “Prompted to Be Good: The Impact of Certification on the Quality of Charities.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

319. Žigić, Krešimir. March 2007. “Government's (In)ability to Precommit, and Strategic Trade Policy: The ‘Third Market’ versus the ‘Home Market’ Setup.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

318. Dušek, Libor. March 2007. “Political Risk of Social Security: The Case of the Indexation of Benefits in the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

317. Bena, Jan, and Štěpán Jurajda. March 2007. “Financial Development and Growth in Direct Firm-Level Comparisons.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

316. Kováč, Eugen, Viatcheslav Vinogradov, and Krešimir Žigić. January 2007. “Persistence of Monopoly, Innovation, and R&D Spillovers: Static versus Dynamic Analysis.” (Abstract) (Full Text)


315. Podpiera, Jiří. December 2006. “The Role of Policy Rule Misspecification in Monetary Policy Inertia Debate.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

314. Cho, Junghun. December 2006. “Multiple Advisors with Reputation.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

313. van Koten, Silvester. December 2006. “Bidding Behavior when One Bidder and the Auctioneer Are Vertically Integrated. Implications for the Partial Deregulation of EU Electricity Markets.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

312. Svítková, Katarína. November 2006. “Corporate Philanthropy in the Czech and Slovak Republics.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

311. Boone, Jan, Delia Ionaşcu, and Krešimir Žigić. October 2006. “Trade Policy, Market Leaders and Endogenous Competition Intensity.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

310. Brhlíková, Petra. October 2006. “Mixed Competition and Welfare under Various Nonprofit Objectives. Mixed Competition under Various Cost Configurations.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

309. Slobodyan, Sergey, Anna Bogomolova, and Dmitri Kolyuzhnov. October 2006. “Stochastic Gradient versus Recursive Least Squares Learning.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

308. Briatka, Ľuboš. September 2006. “How Big is Big Enough? Justifying Results of the IID Test Based on the Correlation Integral in the Non-Normal World.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

307. Ortmann, Andreas, and Ralph Hertwig. September 2006. “Monetary Incentives: Usually Neither Necessary Nor Sufficient?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

306. Jõeveer, Karin. September 2006. “Sources of Capital Structure: Evidence from Transition Countries.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

305. Katuščák, Peter, and Joel Slemrod. September 2006. “Trust and Trustworthiness in an Economy with Heterogeneous Individuals.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

304. Feldman, Naomi, and Peter Katuščák. September 2006. “Should the Average Tax Rate Be Marginalized?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

303. Ryvkin, Dmitry, and Andreas Ortmann. September 2006. “Three Prominent Tournament Formats: Predictive Power and Costs.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

302. Devetag, Giovanna, and Andreas Ortmann. September 2006. “When and Why? A Critical Survey on Coordination Failure in the Laboratory.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

301. Yusupova, Elena. July 2006. “Information Asymmetry, Share Mispricing and the Coordination Problem: Investor Portfolio Choice in Czech Voucher Privatization.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

300. Münich, Daniel. July 2006. “Measuring Economics Research in the Czech Republic: A Comment.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

299. Brhlíková, Petra, and Andreas Ortmann. July 2006. “The Impact of the Non-distribution Constraint and Its Enforcement on Entrepreneurial Choice, Price, and Quality.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

298. Bena, Jan. May 2006. “Choice of Corporate Risk Management Tools under Moral Hazard.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

297. Poghosyan, Tigran, and Evžen Kočenda. May 2006. “Foreign Exchange Risk Premium Determinants: Case of Armenia.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

296. Jurajda, Štěpán, and Teodora Paligorova. April 2006. “Female Managers and Their Wages in Central Europe.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

295. Steiner, Jakub. April 2006. “Coordination in a Mobile World.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

294. Tóth, Peter, and Petr Zemčík. March 2006. “What Makes Firms in Emerging Markets Attractive to Foreign Investors? Micro-evidence from the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

293. Slobodyan, Sergey. March 2006. “One Sector Models, Indeterminacy, and Productive Public Spending.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

292. Temurshoev, Umed. March 2006. “Pollution Haven Hypothesis or Factor Endowment Hypothesis: Theory and Empirical Examination for the US and China.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

291. Bena, Jan, and Jan Hanousek. February 2006. “Rent Extraction by Large Shareholders: Evidence Using Dividend Policy in the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

290. Knot, Ondřej, and Ondřej Vychodil. February 2006. “Bankruptcy Regimes and Gambling on Resurrection.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

289. Anastassova, Lubomira. February 2006. “Productivity Differences and Agglomeration Across Districts of Great Britain.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

288. Svítková, Katarína, and Andreas Ortmann. February 2006. “Certification as a Viable Quality Assurance Mechanism: Theory and Suggestive Evidence.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

287. Jeong, Byeongju. January 2006. “Proprietary Policy and Production.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

286. Brázdik, František. January 2006. “Non-Parametric Analysis of Technical Efficiency: Factors Affecting Efficiency of West Java Rice Farms.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

285. Kolyuzhnov, Dmitri, Anna Bogomolova, and Sergey Slobodyan. January 2006. “Escape Dynamics: A Continuous-Time Approximation.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

284. Slobodyan, Sergey. January 2006. “Indeterminacy and Stability in a Modified Romer Model: A General Case.” (Abstract) (Full Text)


283. Jõeveer, Karin. December 2005. “What Do We Know about the Capital Structure of Small Firms?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

282. Jurajda, Štěpán, and Daniel Münich. December 2005. “Admission to Selective Schools, Alphabetically.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

281. Austin, Andrew. November 2005. “Provincial Interests and Political Integration: Voting in the French Maastricht Referendum.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

280. Noguera, José, and Rowena Pecchenino. August 2005. “Can a Cartel Fuel the Engine of Economic Development? OPEC and the Macroeconomics of Oil.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

279. Kočenda, Evžen, Ali Kutan, and Taner Yiğit. November 2005. “Pilgrims to the Eurozone: How Far, How Fast?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

278. Austin, Andrew, Tatyana Kosyaeva, and Nathaniel Wilcox. November 2005. “Believe but Verify? Russian Views and the Market.” (Abstract) (Full Text, Appendix)

277. Fukač, Martin. October 2005. “Should Private Expectations Concern Central Bankers?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

276. Kováč, Eugen. September 2005. “Speculation and Survival in Financial Markets.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

275. Chen, Yan, Peter Katuščák, and Emre Ozdenoren. September 2005. “Why Can't a Woman Bid More Like a Man?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

274. Steiner, Jakub. September 2005. “Coordination Cycles.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

273. Brázdik, František, and Viliam Druska. September 2005. “Too Large or Too Small? Returns to Scale in a Retail Network.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

272. Boháček, Radim, and Michal Kejak. September 2005. “Optimal Government Policies in Models with Heterogeneous Agents.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

271. Brázdik, František. August 2005. “Oriented Stochastic Data Envelopment Models: Ranking Comparison to Stochastic Frontier Approach.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

269. Chen, Yan, Peter Katuščák, and Emre Ozdenoren. August 2005. “Sealed Bid Auctions with Ambiguity: An Experimental Study.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

268. Vereshchagina, Galina. June 2005. “Between-Firm Redistribution of Profit in Competitive Industries: Why Labor Market Policies May Not Work.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

267. Babetskii, Ian, and Balázs Égert. June 2005. “Equilibrium Exchange Rate in the Czech Republic: How Good is the Czech BEER?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

266. Kováč, Eugen. August 2005. “Tying and Entry Deterrence in Vertically Differentiated Markets.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

265. Kovaříková Arro, Anu. June 2005. “Globalization, Increasing Returns in Component Production, and the Pattern of Trade.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

264. Rydval, Ondřej. June 2005. “Capital and Labor Effects in a Recall Task: More Evidence in Support of Camerer and Hogarth (1999).” (Abstract) (Full Text)

263. Anastassova, Lubomira, and Teodora Paligorova. June 2005. “Why Immigrants Manage to Grab More Social Benefits? Empirical Cross-Country Analysis.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

262. Paligorova, Teodora. June 2005. “Czech Managerial Compensations: Why Does It Pay Off to Climb the Corporate Ladder?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

261. Uzagalieva, Ainura. May 2005. “Finding Optimal Measures of Core Inflation in the Kyrgyz Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

260. Dušek, Libor. September 2005. “Crime, Deterrence, and Democracy.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

259. Hanousek, Jan, Evžen Kočenda, and Jan Švejnar. May 2005. “Origin and Concentration: Corporate Ownership, Control and Performance.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

258. Boháček, Radim, and Michal Kejak. May 2005. “Projection Methods for Economies with Heterogeneous Agents.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

257. Kazakova, Elena. May 2005. “Wages in a Growing Russia: When is a Ten Percent Rise in the Gender Pay Gap Good News?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

256. Fungáčová, Zuzana. April 2005. “Building a Castle on Sand: Effects of Mass Privatization on Capital Market Creation in Transition Economies.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

255. Jeong, Byeongju. April 2005. “Optimal Severance Payment: Theory and Practice.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

254. Uzagalieva, Ainura. April 2005. “Fiscal Consequences of Monetary Integration within the Common Economic Area: the Case of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

253. Fukač, Martin. March 2005. “Inflation Expectations in the Czech Interbank Market.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

252. Ryvkin, Dmitry. March 2005. “The Predictive Power of Noisy Elimination Tournaments.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

251. Austin, Andrew. February 2005. “City and Suburban Competition.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

250. Klein, Alexander. March 2005. “All in the Family: A Dynasty Approach to Household Migration Evidence from the 19th Century Austro-Hungarian Empire.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

249. Ionaşcu, Delia, and Krešimir Žigić. January 2005. “Strategic Tariff Protection, Market Conduct, and Government Commitment Levels in Developing Economies.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

248. Jeong, Byeongju, Michal Kejak, and Viatcheslav Vinogradov. January 2005. “Changing Composition of Human Capital: The Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

247. Hanousek, Jan, and Evžen Kočenda. January 2005. “Learning by Bidding: Evidence from a Large-Scale Natural Experiment.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

246. Steiner, Jakub. January 2005. “A Trace of Anger is Enough: On the Enforcement of Social Norms.” (Abstract) (Full Text)


245. Rydval, Ondřej, and Andreas Ortmann. December 2004. “Loss Avoidance as Selection Principle: Evidence from Simple Stag-Hunt Games.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

244. Boháček, Radim, and Hugo Rodríguez Mendizábal. December 2004. “Credit Markets and the Propagation of Monetary Policy Shocks.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

243. Noguera, José. December 2004. “The Transmission Mechanism to Barter.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

242. Černý, Alexandr. November 2004. “Stock Market Integration and the Speed of Information Transmission.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

241. Ostatnický, Michal. November 2004. “Coase's Conjecture in Finite Horizon.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

240. Brhlíková, Petra. October 2004. “Models of Competition between One For-profit and One Nonprofit Firm.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

239. Noguera, José. September 2004. “Is Barter a Hobson's Choice? A Theory of Barter and Credit Rationing.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

238. Austin, Andrew, and Nathaniel Wilcox. September 2004. “Believing in Economic Theory: Sex, Lies, Evidence, Trust and Ideology.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

237. Vojtek, Martin. September 2004. “Calibration of Interest Rate Models—Transition Market Case.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

236. Ryvkin, Dmitry, and Andreas Ortmann. September 2004. “The Predictive Power of Noisy Round-Robin Tournaments.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

235. Kočenda, Evžen, and Ľuboš Briatka. September 2004. “Advancing the IID Test Based on Integration across the Correlation Integral: Ranges, Competition, and Power.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

234. Medvedev, Andrei. September 2004. “Efficiency Defense and Administrative Fuzziness in Merger Regulation.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

233. Engelmann, Dirk, and Martin Strobel. August 2004. “The False Consensus Effect: Deconstruction and Reconstruction of an Anomaly.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

232. Kúnin, Michael. August 2004. “Sequencing of Club Enlargement: ‘Big Bang,’ ‘Gradualism,’ and Internal Reform.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

231. Kúnin, Michael. August 2004. “Why do Software Manufacturers Tolerate Piracy in Transition and Less Developed Countries? A Theoretical Model.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

230. Kúnin, Michael, and Krešimir Žigić. August 2004. “Strategic Trade Policy and Vertical Product Differentiation: Intra-Industry Trade between Developed and Developing Countries.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

229. Medvedev, Andrei. August 2004. “Structural Remedies in Merger Regulation in a Cournot Framework.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

228. Brůha, Jan, Delia Ionaşcu, and Byeongju Jeong. October 2004. “Organized Labor and Restructuring Coal Mines in the Czech Republic and Romania.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

227. Blavatskyy, Pavlo. July 2004. “Back to the St. Petersburg Paradox?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

226. Blavatskyy, Pavlo. July 2004. “Axiomatization of a Preference for Most Probably Winner.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

225. Kováč, Eugen. June 2004. “Tying by a Non-monopolist.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

224. Jõeveer, Karin. May 2004. “Does Bank Failure Affect Client Firms? Micro Evidence from Estonia.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

223. Gilbert, Scott, and Petr Zemčík. May 2004. “Who's Afraid of Reduced-Rank Parameterizations of Multivariate Models? Theory and Example.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

222. Hanousek, Jan, Dana Hájková, and Randall Filer. October 2004. “The Mirage of Convergence: Why Poor Countries May Only Seem to Be Closing the Income Gap.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

221. Rydval, Ondřej, and Andreas Ortmann. February 2004. “How Financial Incentives and Cognitive Abilities Affect Task Performance in Laboratory Settings: An Illustration.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

220. Kejak, Michal, and David Vávra. February 2004. “Factor Accumulation Story: Any Unfinished Business?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

219. Kejak, Michal, Stephan Seiter, and David Vávra. February 2004. “Accession Trajectories and Convergence: Endogenous Growth Perspective.” (Abstract) (Full Text)


218. Blavatskyy, Pavlo. February 2003. “Note on ‘Small Feedback-based Decisions and Their Limited Correspondence to Description-based Decisions’.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

217. Babický, Vítězslav. September 2003. “Fairness Under Risk: Insights from Dictator Games.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

216. Domadenik, Polona, Lubomír Lízal, and Marko Pahor. August 2003. “Effect of Enterpise Break-Ups on Performance: Case of Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

215. Engelmann, Dirk, and Urs Fischbacher. July 2003. “Indirect Reciprocity and Strategic Reputation Building in an Experimental Helping Game.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

214. Podpiera, Jiří. July 2003. “Does CPI Approximate Cost-of-Living?: Evidence from the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

213. Jurajda, Štěpán. July 2003 . “Does the Short Supply of College Education Bite?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

212. Engelmann, Dirk, and Hans-Theo Normann. June 2003 . “An Experimental Test of Strategic Trade Policy.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

211. Engelmann, Dirk. June 2003 . “Risk Aversion Pays in the Class of 2x2 Games with No Pure Equilibrium.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

210. Engelmann, Dirk, and Veronika Grimm. June 2003 . “Bidding Behavior in Multi-Unit Auctions – An Experimental Investigation and some Theoretical Insights.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

209. Kočenda, Evžen, and Jan Švejnar. May 2003. “Ownership and Firm Performance after Large-Scale Privatization.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

208. Ortmann, Andreas, Sergey Slobodyan, and Samuel S. Nordberg. April 2003. “(The Evolution of) Post-Secondary Education: A Computational Model and Experiments .” (Abstract) (Full Text)

207. Noguera, Jose, and Susan Linz. March 2003. “A Theoretical Model of Barter in Russia.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

206. Babetski, Jan, Laurence Boone, and Mathilde Maurel. January 2003 . “Exchange Rate Regimes and Supply Shocks Asymmetry: The Case of the Accession Countries.” (Abstract) (Full Text)


205. Slobodyan Sergey. December 2002. “Indeterminacy and Stability in a Modified Romer Mode.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

204. Slobodyan Sergey. December 2002. “Welfare Implications of Sunspot Fluctuations.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

203. Earnhart, Dietrich, and Lubomír Lízal. December 2002. “Effects of Ownership and Financial Status on Corporate Environmental Performance.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

202. Jurajda, Štěpán, and Heike Harmgart. December 2003. “When Are ‘Female’ Occupations Paying More?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

201. Jurajda, Štěpán, and Katherine Terrell. November 2002 . “Job Growth in Early Transition: Comparing Two Paths.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

200. Cincibuch, Martin. October 2002 . “Distributions Implied by Exchange Traded Options: A Ghost’s Smile?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

199. Vávra, David. July 2002. “Strategic Interactions, Social Optimality and Growth.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

198. Boháček, Radim. April 2002. “Financial Intermediation and Entrepreneurial Activity.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

197. Valachy, Juraj. March 2002. “Price Setting in Transition: The Effect of Takeover on a Petroleum Firm.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

196. Ortmann, Andreas. February 2002 . “Bertrand Price Undercutting: A Brief Classroom Demonstration.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

195. Kadlec, Tomáš. January 2002. “Optimal Timing of TV Commercials: Symmetrical Model .” (Abstract) (Full Text)

194. Austin, Andrew, and Nathaniel T. Wilcox. January 2002. “What Students Expect and What They See: Ideology, Identity and the Double Auction Classroom Experiment.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

193. Boháček, Radim. January 2002. “A Market-Clearing Classroom Experiment.” (Abstract) (Full Text)


192. Hanousek, Jan, and Gerard Roland. November 2001. “Banking Passivity and Regulatory Failure in Emerging Markets: Theory and Evidence from the Czech .” (Abstract) (Full Text)

191. Ortmann, Andreas, and Ralph Hertwig. December 2001. “The Costs of Deception: Evidence From Psychology .” (Abstract) (Full Text)

190. Galuščák, Kamil. November 2001. “Retirement Decisions of Older Czech Male Workers.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

189. Čížek, Pavel. December 2001. “Robust Estimation in Nonlinear Regression and Limited Dependent Variable Models.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

188. Kočenda, Evžen. November 2001. “Development of Ownership Structure and its Effect on Performance: Czech Firms from Mass Privatization.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

187. Boháček, Radim. December 2001. “The Efficiency-Equality Tradeoff in Welfare State Economies.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

186. Hanousek, Jan, and Randall K. Filer. September 2001. “Evaluating Imperfections and Biases in Price Indexes during Transition.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

185. Jurajda, Štěpán, and Janet Mitchell. September 2001. “Markets and Growth.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

184. Hanousek, Jan, and Randall K. Filer. August 2001. “Consumers' Opinion of Inflation Bias Due to Quality Improvements in Transition in the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

183. Čížek, Pavel. November 2001. “Robust Estimation with Discrete Explanatory Variables.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

182. Jurajda, Štěpán. July 2001. “Gender Wage Gap and Segregation in Late Transition.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

180. Noguera, Jose. July 2001. “Inflation and Capital Structure.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

179. Noguera, Jose. July 2001. “Multiple Markets and Spatial Agglomeration in a One Shopping Trip Model.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

178. Filer, Randall K., and Jan Hanousek. May 2001. “Survey-based Estimates of Biases in Consumer Price Indices During Transition: Evidence from Romania.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

177. Žigić, Krešimir. July 2001. “Strategic Trade Policy, the ‘Committed’ versus ‘Non-Committed’ Government, and R&D Spillovers.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

176. Čábelková, Inna. May 2001. “Perceptions of Corruption in Ukraine: Are They Correct?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

175. Slobodyan, Sergey. May 2001. “Sunspot Fluctuations: A Way Out of the Development Trap?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

174. Ionascu, Delia, and Krešimir Žigić. May 2001. “Strategic Trade Policy and Mode of Competition: Symmetric versus Asymmetric Information.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

173. Podpiera, Richard. April 2001. “International Cross-Listing: The Effects of Market Fragmentation and Information Flows.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

172. Čábelková, Inna. April 2001. “Entry Restrictions, Corruption and Extortion in the Context of Transition.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

171. Lízal, Lubomír, and Evžen Kočenda. April 2001. “The Paradox of Czech Crusaders: Will They Ever Learn the Corruption Lesson? (Corruption and Anticorruption in the Czech Republic)” (Abstract) (Full Text)

170. Jurajda, Štěpán, and Katherine Terrell. December 2001. “What Drives the Speed of Job Reallocation during Episodes of Massive Adjustment?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

169. Noguera, Jose. January 2001. “The Appearance of Carriers and the Origins of Money.” (Abstract) (Full Text)


168. Hanousek, Jan, and Richard Podpiera. December 2000. “How Important Is Informed Trading for the Bid-Ask Spread? Evidence from an Emerging Market.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

167. Filer, Randall K., and Jan Hanousek. December 2000. “Output Changes and Inflationary Bias in Transition.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

166. Hanousek, Jan, and Randall K. Filer. December 2000. “Lange and Hayek Revisited: Lessons from Czech Voucher Privatization.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

165. Boháček, Radim. December 2000. “Capital Accumulation in an Economy with Heterogeneous Agents and Moral Hazard.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

164. Antoch, Jaromír, and Jan Hanousek. November 2000. “Model Selection and Simplification Using Lattices.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

163. Kinoshita, Yuko. November 2000. “R&D and technology spillovers via FDI: Innovation and absorptive capacity.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

162. Noguera, Jose. October 2000. “Barter Economies and Centralized Merchants.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

161. Galuščák, Kamil. October 2000. “Acturial Adjustment Aspects of Public Pension Schemes.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

160. Filer, Randall K., and Daniel Münich. October 2000. “Responses of Private and Public Schools to Voucher Funding:The Czech and Hungarian Experience.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

159. Jeong, Byeongju. October 2000. “Bad Policies Under an Autocrat's Production.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

158. Barry, Frank, John Bradley, Michal Kejak, and David Vavra. October 2000. “The Czech Economic Transition: Exploring Options Using a Macrosectoral Model.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

157. Gylfason, Thorvaldur. July 2000. “Resources, Agriculture, and Economic Growth in Economies in Transition.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

156. Podpiera, Richard. July 2000. “Efficiency of Financial Markets in Transition: The Case of Macroeconomic Releases.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

155. Kejak, Michal. May 2000. “Minimum Weighted Residual Methods in Endogeneous Growth Models.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

154. Gillman, Max, Michal Kejak, and Akos Valentinyi. April 2000. “Inflation, Growth, and Credit Services.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

153. Lízal, Lubomír, and Jan Švejnar. March 2000. “Financial Conditions and Investment during the Transition: Evidence from Czech Firms.” (Abstract) (Full Text)


152. Jeong, Byeongju. September 1999. “Why Are There Mobility Restrictions?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

151. Filer, Randall K., Jan Hanousek, Nauro F. Campos. October 1999. “Do Stock Markets Promote Economic Growth?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

150. Kinoshita, Yuko. November 1999. “Private and Public Information for Foreign Investment Decisions.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

149. Kočenda, Evžen. June 1999. “Detecting Structural Breaks: Exchange Rates in Transition Economies.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

148. Vachadze, George. June 1999. “A Time Homogeneous Stationary Equilbrium Model of Asset Pricing with Heterogeneous Agents.” (Abstract)

147. Lízal, Lubomír. June 1999. “Does a Soft Macroeconomic Environment Induce Restructuring on the Microeconomic Level during the Transition Period? Evidence from Investment Behavior of Czech Enterprises.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

146. Campos, Nauro F.. June 1999. “Back to the Future: The Growth Prospects of Transition Economies Reconsidered.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

145. Břeský, Michal. June 1999. “Equilibria in Multi-unit Auctions.” (Abstract)

144. Duczynski, Petr. May 1999. “Adjustment Costs in a Two-Capital Growth Model.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

143. Jurajda, Štěpán. April 1999. “Unemployment Outflow and Unemployment Insurance Taxes.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

142. Cukrowski, Jacek, and Emil Stavrev. February 1999. “Central Bank Seigniorage: Czech Republic 1993–1997.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

141. Munich, Daniel, Jan Švejnar, and Katherine Terrell. January 1999. “Worker-firm Matching and Unemployment in Transition to a Market Economy: (Why) Are the Czechs More Successful than Others?” (Abstract) (Full Text)


140. Cukrowski, Jacek, and Štěpán Čábelka. December 1998. “R&amdp;D in Duopoly with Spillovers: Evolution and Aspiration Learning.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

139. Kinoshita, Yuko. December 1998. “Technology Spillovers through Foreign Direct Investment.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

138. Kejak, Michal. December 1998. “Stages of Growth in Economic Development.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

137. Lízal, Lubomír. December 1998. “Depreciation Rates in a Transition Economy: Evidence from Czech Panel Data.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

136. Hanousek, Jan, and Libor Němeček. December 1998. “Mispricing and Lasting Arbitrage between Parallel Markets in the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

135. Kinoshita, Yuko. December 1998. “Firm Size and Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

134. Jeong, Byeongju. November 1998. “Measurement of Human Capital Input across Countries: A New Method and Results.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

133. Vachadze, George. November 1998. “A Short-Horizon Model of Asset Pricing: Equilibrium Analysis.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

132. Vachadze, George. November 1998. “A Temporary Equilibrium Model of Asset Pricing.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

131. Jeong, Byeongju. September 1998. “Policy Uncertainty and Long-Run Investment and Output across Countries.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

130. Jurajda, Štěpán. August 1998. “Inflow into Unemployment: Employment Spells and Unemployment Insurance.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

129. Jurajda, Štěpán, and Frederick J. Tannery. August 1998. “Unemployment Durations and Extended Unemployment Benefits in Local Labor Markets.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

128. Campos, Nauro F., and Jeffrey B. Nugent. June 1998. “Investment and Instability.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

127. Benáček, Vladimír, Dmitri Shemetilo, and Alexei Petrov. May 1998. “Restructuring and Measurement of Efficiency in Firms in Transition.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

126. Campos, Nauro F., and Jeffrey B. Nugent. April 1998. “Economic Growth and Socio-Political Instability: In Search of a Causal Relationship.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

125. Filer, Randall K., Štěpán Jurajda, and Ján Plánovský. April 1998. “Returns to the Market: Valuing Human Capital in the Post-Transition Czech and Slovak Republics.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

124. Kočenda, Evžen. February 1998. “Disparities of Exchange Rates in CEE Countries.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

123. Žigić, Krešimir. January 1998. “Strategic Trade Policy, Spillovers, and the Uncertain Mode of Competition: Cournot vs. Bertrand.” (Abstract) (Full Text)


122. Hanousek, Jan, and Libor Němeček. December 1997. “Co-movements and Interactions between Segments of Parallel Markets: The Case of the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

121. Filer, Randall K., and Jan Hanousek. December 1997. “Informational Content of Prices Set Using Excess Demand: The Natural Experiment of Czech Voucher Privatization.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

120. Janda, Karel, and Gordon Rausser. October 1997. “The Estimation of Czech Conditional Food Import Demand.” (Abstract)

119. Hanousek, Jan, and Randall K. Filer. November 1997. “The Relationship Between Economic Factors and Equity Markets in Central Europe.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

118. Ham, John, Katherine Terrell, and Jan Švejnar. December 1997. “Unemployment and the Social Safety Net during Transitions to a Market Economy: Evidence from the Czech and Slovak Republics.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

117. Němeček, Libor. October 1997. “Liquidity and Information-Based Trading on the Order Driven Capital Market: the Case of Prague Stock Exchange.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

116. Lízal, Lubomír, Miroslav Singer, and Jan Švejnar. October 1997. “Enterprise Breakups and Performance During the Transition.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

115. Colonescu, Constantin. August 1997. “Antidumping, Antitrust, and Competition.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

114. Cukrowski, Jacek. April 1997. “Privatization Policy and Dynamics of the Retail Market in a Transitional Economy.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

113. Horniaček, Milan. June 1997. “Selection of Markov Equilibrium in a Dynamic Oligopoly with Production to Order.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

112. Horniaček, Milan. June 1997. “Selection of Equilibrium in a Dynamic Oligopoly with Cost-Reducing Investments.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

111. Horniaček, Milan. June 1997. “Continuous Strategy Markov Equilibrium in a Dynamic Duopoly with Capacity Constraints.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

110. Zemplinerová, Alena, and Vladimír Benáček. March 1997. “Foreign Direct Investment in the Czech Republic: Environment, Structure and Efficiency in the Manufacturing Sector.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

109. Hanousek, Jan, and Zdeněk Tůma. March 1997. “A Test of the Permanent Income Hypothesis on Czech Voucher Privatization.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

108. Krkoška, Libor. February 1997. “A Real Business Cycle Model for Panel Data: an Application for the Central European Transition Economies.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

107. Hanousek, Jan, and Evžen Kočenda. January 1997. “South American Capital Markets: Statistics of the Past Decade.” (Abstract) (Full Text)


106. Golbe, Devra L., and Randall K. Filer. December 1996. “Debt, Profitability, and Investment in Workplace Safety.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

105. Hanel, Petr. December 1996. “The Pros and Cons of Central Europe's Joining the EU.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

104. Filer, Randall K., and Jan Hanousek. November 1996. “The Extent of Efficiency in Central European Equity Markets.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

103. Kotrba, Josef. November 1996. “Privatization and Restructuring: Friends or Enemies?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

102. Schneider, Ondřej. November 1996. “The Harmonization of Public Pension Schemes: Perfect and Imperfect Labour Mobility Cases.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

101. Kočenda, Evžen. September 1996. “A Test for IID Residuals Based on Integrating over the Correlation Integral.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

100. Kočenda, Evžen, and David H. Papell. September 1996. “Inflation Convergence within the European Union: a Panel Data Analysis.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

99. Singer, Miroslav. November 1996. “Dynamic Labor Demand Estimation and Stability of Coefficients: the Case of the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

98. Cukrowski, Jacek A.. May 1996. “Organizational Restructuring in Response to Changes in Information-Processing Technology.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

97. Cukrowski, Jacek A.. May 1996. “Demand Uncertainty, Forecasting, and Monopolistic Equilibrium.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

96. Švejnar, Jan. April 1996. “Enterprises and Workers in the Transition: Econometric Evidence.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

95. Bohatá, Marie. March 1996. “The Changing Patterns of Czech Foreign Trade.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

94. Bohatá, Marie. March 1996. “Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Czech Manufacturing Industry.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

93. Žigić, Krešimir. March 1996. “Optimal Tariff, Spillovers and North-South Trade.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

92. Žigić, Krešimir. March 1996. “Intellectual Property Rights and North-South Trade: the Role of Spillovers.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

91. Cukrowski, Jacek A.. February 1996. “Optimal Replacement Strategies in Heat Transmission Systems.” (Abstract) (Full Text)


90. Vavrejnová, Marie. December 1995. “Zmeny prijmovych struktur obyvatelstva Ceske republiky.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

89. Mercenier, Jean, and Nicolas Schmitt. December 1995. “On Sunk Costs and Trade Liberalization in Applied General Equilibrium.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

88. Kočenda, Evžen. November 1995. “Volatility of a Seemingly Fixed Exchange Rate.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

87. Creane, Anthony. September 1995. “Adverse Selection, Moral Hazard and Entry.” (Abstract)

86. Desai, Raj M.. July 1995. “Financial-Market Reform in the Czech Republic, 1991–1994: the Revival of Repression?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

85. Derviz, Alexis. July 1995. “Transition Economies: Dynamic Bargaining in New Markets.” (Abstract)

84. Hanousek, Jan, and Eugene A. Kroch. June 1995. “The Two Waves of Voucher Privatization in the Czech Republic: a Model of Learning in Sequential Bidding.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

83. Marcincin, Anton, and Dmitri Shemetilo. July 1995. “Performance of the Shares in the Investment Funds Portfolio and Their Strategy.” (Abstract)

82. Laštovička, Radek. April 1995. “Privatization and Restructuring under Transition.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

81. Cukrowski, Jacek A.. April 1995. “The Hierarchical Organization of Management in the Firm: Economic Reasons and Efficient Structures.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

80. Laštovička, Radek. April 1995. “Restructuring of Firms under Transition: The Czech Case.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

79. Cukrowski, Jacek A.. February 1995. “An Economic Analysis of Numerical Data Processing in the Firm.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

78. Creane, Anthony. June 1995. “Risk and Revelation: Changing the Value of Information.” (Abstract) (Full Text)


77. Filer, Randall K., Ondřej Schneider, and Jan Švejnar. November 1994. “Wage and Non-Wage Labor Cost in the Czech Republic: The Impact of Fringe Benefits.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

76. Schmitt, Nicolas. October 1994. “Product Imitation, Product Differentiation and International Trade.” (Abstract)

75. Gross, Dominique. October 1994. “In and Out of Unemployment Insurance in Canada: a Dynamic Approach.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

74. Zemplinerová, Alena, Radek Laštovička, and Anton Marcincin. May 1995. “Restruction of Czech Manufacturing Enterprises: an Empirical Study.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

73. Hanel, Petr. September 1994. “R&D, Inter-industry and International Spillovers of Technology and the Total Factor Productivity Growth of Manufacturing Industries in Canada, 1974–1989.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

72. Hanousek, Jan, and Radek Laštovička. January 1994. “Incorporating Information into Models: a Methodology and an Estimation Using Czech Data.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

71. Klipper, Miriam Z. . May 1995. “The Governance of Privatized Firms: Problems of Power and Control.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

70. Janda, Karel. May 1994. “Credit Rationing Under Asymmetric Information and the Fund of Guarantees for Agriculture and Forestry.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

69. Janda, Karel. May 1994. “The Estimation of a Linear Demand System for Basic Types of Meat.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

68. Orenstein, Mitchell. June 1994. “The Political Success of Neo-liberalism in the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

67. Stach, Jaromír, and Josef Nedoma. June 1994. “A Dynamic Model of the Investment Behavior of a Joint-stock Company and Impacts of Investment Incentives.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

66. Hayri, Aydm, and Gerald A. McDermott. May 1995. “Restructuring in the Czech Republic: Beyond Ownership and Bankruptcy.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

65. Černý, Aleš, and Štěpána Lazarova. April 1994. “Growth and Business Cycles in Czechoslovakia According to the Basic Neoclassical RBC Model.” (Abstract)

64. Výborná, Olga. April 1994. “The Reform of the Czech Health Care System.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

63. Vepřek, Jaromír, Zdeněk Papeš, and Pavel Vepřek. April 1994. “Czech Health Care in Economic Transformation.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

62. Matesová, Jana, and Richard Šeda. April 1994. “Financial Markets in the Czech Republic as Means of Corporate Governance in Voucher Privatized Companies.” (Abstract)

61. Dyba, Karel, and Jan Švejnar. April 1994. “An Overview of Recent Economic Developments in the Czech Republic.” (Abstract)

60. Švejnar, Jan, Katherine Terrell, Daniel Munich, and Mario Strapec. April 1994. “Explaining Unemployment Dynamics in the Czech and Slovak Republics.” (Abstract)

59. Garner, Thesia I, Martina Lubyova, and Katherine Terrell. April 1994. “Changes in Expenditure and Income Inequality: an Examination of the Micro Data (1989 vs. 1992)” (Abstract)

58. Kotrba, Josef. April 1994. “Czech Privatization: Players and Winners.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

57. Černá, Alena, Eva Tošovská, and Pavel Četkovský. April 1994. “Economic Transformation and the Environment.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

56. Vavrejnová, Marie, and Ivana Moravčíková. April 1994. “Household Sector in the Czech Republic in Transition.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

55. Hlaváček, Jiří, and Tomáš Jandik. April 1994. “Wage Trap Model: Producer Behavior in Economies with Heterogeneous Labor Force.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

54. Laštovička, Radek, Anton Marcincin, and Michal Mejstřík. April 1994. “Privatization and Opening the Capital Market in the Czech and Slovak Republics.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

53. Benáček, Vladimír. April 1994. “Small Businesses and Private Entrepreneurship During Transition: the Case of the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

52. Zemplinerová, Alena, and Josef Stíbal. April 1994. “Evolution and Efficiency of Concentration: Manufacturing Industries in the Czech Economy 1989–1992.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

51. Lízal, Lubomír, Miroslav Singer, and Jan Švejnar. April 1994. “Manager Interests, Breakups and Performance of State Enterprises in Transition.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

50. Bohatá, Marie, and Michael Fischer. April 1994. “Performance of the Manufacturing Industry During Transformation.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

49. Vošvrda, Miloslav. April 1994. “The Output-Inflation Trade off.” (Abstract)

48. Budina, Nina, Jan Hanousek, and Zdeněk Tůma. April 1994. “Money Demand and Seigniorage in Transition.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

47. Izak, Vratislav, Jan Hanousek, and Otakar Klokočník. April 1994. “Monetary Policy During Transformation.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

46. Šujan, Ivan, and Milota Šujanová. April 1994. “The Macroeconomic Situation in the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

45. Jílek, Jaroslav. April 1994. “The Evolution of Official Statistical Data in the Czech Republic since the 1989 Revolution.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

44. Turnovec, František. April 1994. “Political Background of Economic Transition in the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)


43. Drábek, Zdeněk. December 1993. “The Capital Markets in Central Europe.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

42. Laštovička, Radek. March 1993. “Investment Behaviour in Czech Voucher Privatization.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

41. Filer, Randall K.. July 1993. “The Search For Compensating Differentials: Is There a Pot of Gold After All?” (Abstract)

40. Timmermann, Allan. May 1993. “Variance Bounds and Excess Volatility.” (Abstract)

39. Glomm, Gerhard. May 1993. “Parental Choice of Human Capital Investment.” (Abstract)

38. Parry, Ian. December 1992. “Stimulating the Development of Less CO2 Intensive Technologies as a Response to the Possibility of Future Global Warming.” (Abstract)

37. Kotrba, Josef, and Jan Švejnar. April 1993. “Rapid and Multifaceted Privatization: experience of the Czech and Slovak Republics.” (Abstract)

36. Švejnar, Jan, and Miroslav Singer. April 1993. “Using Vouchers to Privatize an Economy: the Czech and Slovak Case.” (Abstract)

35. Prasnikar, Janez, Jan Švejnar, Dubravko Mihaljek, and Vesna Prasnikar. April 1993. “Behavior of Participatory Firms in Yugoslavia: Lessons for Transforming Economies.” (Abstract)

34. Parry, Ian. March 1993. “Environmental R&D and the Choice Between Pollution Taxes and Marketable Emissions Permits.” (Abstract)

33. Richter, Rudolf. April 1993. “The Economic Theory of Private Property Theme and Variations.” (Abstract)

32. Andrezej, Stepiniak. March 1993. “The European Agreement EC–Poland and Liberalization of Transfer of Capital and Financial Services.” (Abstract)

31. Van Der Ploeg, Frederick, and Lans Bovenberg. March 1993. “Environmental Policy, Public Finance and the Labour Market in a Second-best World.” (Abstract)

30. Beetsma, Roel, and Frederick Van Der Ploeg. February 1993. “Intramarginal Interventions, Bands and the Pattern of EMS Exchange Rate Distributions.” (Abstract)

29. Van Der Ploeg, Frederick, and Lans Bovenberg. February 1993. “Green Policies in a Small Open Economy.” (Abstract)

28. Kmenta, Jan, and Stanley Sedo. April 1993. “An Umbrella Test for First Order Misspecification.” (Abstract)

27. Christodoulakis, Nicos, Sophia P. Dimelis, and Tryphon Kollintzas. February 1993. “Comparisons of Business Cycles in Greece and the EC: Idiosyncrasies and Regularities.” (Abstract)


26. Katsoulacos, Yannis. August 1992. “Privatisation, Competition and Welfare.” (Abstract)

25. Glomm, Gerhard, and B Ravikumar. October 1992. “Formal Schooling and Growth in an Overlapping Generations Model.” (Abstract)

24. Hanousek, Jan, and Petr Lachout. January 1993. “Robust Bayes-type Version of Classical Estimators.” (Abstract)

23. Estrin, Saul, and Jan Švejnar. January 1993. “Wage Determination in Labor-managed Firms under Market-oriented Reforms: Estimates of Static and Dynamic Models.” (Abstract)

22. Švejnar, Jan. November 1992. “Labor Market Adjustment in Transitional Economies.” (Abstract)

21. Demougin, Dominique, and Gerhard Illing. November 1992. “Property Rights and Regulation of Environmental Quality under Asymmetric Information.” (Abstract)

20. Parry, Ian. October 1992. “Option Values and Global Warming Irreversibilities.” (Abstract)

19. Anderson, Simon P., and Maxim Engers. August 1992. “Shopping, Shipping and Spatial Competition with Price-taking Firms.” (Abstract)

18. Bulir, Aleš. November 1992. “The Czech and Slovak Republic in 1992: The Process of the Divergence.” (Abstract)

17. Parry, Ian. September 1992. “Global Warming Catastrophes and the Costs of Delaying Action to Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions.” (Abstract)

16. Anderson, Simon P., and Victor A. Ginsburgh. August 1992. “Price Discrimination via Second-Hand Markets.” (Abstract)

15. Earle, John S., and Dana Sapatoru. October 1992. “Privatization in Hypercentralized Economy: the Case of Romania.” (Abstract)

14. Aggarwal, Raj, and Michal Mejstřík. September 1992. “Privatization and Capital Market Development in Eastern Europe: Lessons from the Czechoslovak Experience.” (Abstract)

13. Kočárník, Ivan. August 1992. “The Problems of Fiscal Management in the CSFR in a Time of Transition.” (Abstract)

12. Drábek, Zdeněk. August 1992. “Convertibility or a Payments Union? – Convertibility!” (Abstract)

11. Terrell, Katherine. July 1992. “Technical Change and Factor Bias in Polish Industry (1962–1983)” (Abstract)

10. Mejstřík, Michal, and James Burger. July 1992. “The Czechoslovak Large Privatization.” (Abstract)

9. Horniaček, Milan. July 1992. “Supply Response to Price Liberalization and Privatization in an Oligopoly.” (Abstract)

8. Terrell, Katherine. July 1992. “Productivity of Western and Domestic Capital in Polish Industry.” (Abstract)

7. Dyba, Karel, and Jan Švejnar. June 1992. “Stability and Transition in Czechoslovakia.” (Abstract)

6. Christodoulakis, Nicos, and Yannis Katsoulacos. June 1992. “Privatization, Public Deficit Finance and Investment in Infrastructure.” (Abstract)

5. Benáček, Vladimír. May 1992. “Market Failure Versus Government Failure: The Ways of the Emerging Market Economies.” (Abstract)

4. Drábek, Zdeněk. February 1992. “Foreign Investment in Czechoslovakia: Proposals for Fine-Tuning Measure of Policy Reform.”

3. Bose, Gautam. November 1991. “Interlinked Contracts and Moral Hazard in Investment.” (Abstract)


2. Prasnikar, Janez, Jan Švejnar, and Mark Klinedinst. July 1991. “Structural Adjustment Policies and Productive Efficiency of Socialist Enterprises.” (Abstract)

1. Švejnar, Jan. July 1991. “Microeconomics Issues in the Transition to a Market Economy.” (Abstract)


Individual researchers, as well as on-line and printed versions of the CERGE-EI Working Papers Series (including their dissemination) were supported from the following institutional grants:

  • Economic Impact of European Integration on the Czech Republic [Ekonomické dopady evropské integrace na ČR], No. MSM0021620846, (2005–2011)

  • Economic Aspects of EU and EMU Entry [Ekonomické aspekty vstupu do Evropské unie a Evropské měnové unie], No. AVOZ70850503, (2005–2010)
  • Center of Advanced Political Economy Research [Centrum pro pokročilá politicko-ekonomická studia], No. LC542, (2005–2009)
  • Contemporary Czech Society and Issues of European Integration [Současná česká společnost a otázky evropské integrace], No. K8002117, (2001–2004)
  • National Identity and Cultural Heritage: Modern Systems of Collecting, Storing and Processing of Data [Národní identita a kulturní dědictví: moderní systémy sběru, uchování a zpracování informací], No. K8002119, (2001–2004)
  • The Czech Republic and the Political Economy of European Integration [Česká republika a politická ekonomie evropské integrace], No. J13/98:116200001, (1999–2004)
  • The Economy in the Advanced Stage of Transformation [Ekonomika v období pokročilé transformace], No. A44/98:Z7-085-9-ii, (1999–2004)

Specific research support and/or other grants the researchers/publications benefited from are acknowledged in the Papers.