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20 Apr 13 - 6 Oct 20
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We invite you cordially to the COST IC1101 MCM#3, taking place at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) in Prague on April 25 (Thursday) – April 26 (Friday), 2013

Please watch this page also later as we will add more detailed info (bus transfers, social event etc.)

We kindly ask you to fill in the REGISTRATION FORM (please fill in it no later than Monday, March 25, 2013), it will help us to organize the meeting to your convenience. Here you are also lunch options. For accomodation we have another booking form - see Accomodation link.

Social event is scheduled to April 25 - Restaurant Nebozizek.

We are looking forward to meeting you in our golden city of Prague.

Local organizers:

Ondrej Fiser (ondrej@ufa.cas.cz), Petr Pesice (pesice@ufa.cas.cz)