2004 - 2010: Ph.D. in Plant Cytogenetics, Molecular Genetics and Cereals Wild Relatives, University of Cordoba, Cordoba - Spain.
2002 - 2007: M.Sc. in Cereals Breeding and Plant Cytogenetics, International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies
(CIHEAM-IAMZ), Zaragoza - Spain, Headquarter in Paris - France.
Research Experiences
2013 – Present: Postdoctoral Fellow, Laboratory of Molecular Cytogenetics and Cytometry, Institute of Experimental Botany, Olomouc -
Czech Republic.
2010 – 2013: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Cordoba, Plant Cytogenetics, Molecular Genetics, Wild relatives of Cereals. Cordoba –
2004 – 2010: PhD student, University of Cordoba, Plant Cytogenetics, Molecular Genetics, Wild relatives of Cereals. Cordoba – Spain.
2002 - 2004: MSc Student, International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM-IAMZ), Plant Cytogenetics,
Molecular Genetics and Breeding of Cereals. Zaragoza - Spain.
Participation in research projects as co-investigator
2008-2012: Cytogenetic studies for introgression of genes from Agropyron cristatum into Triticum aestivum and T. turgidum
(PET2007_0492_02). Financed by Spanish Inter-ministerial Commission of Science and Technology (CICYT).
Principal researcher: Adoracion Cabrera Caballero. (Budget: 50,000 €)
2006-2010: Genetic Resources in Plant Breeding. Financed by CICYT.
Principal researcher: Luis Miguel Martin Martin. (Budget: 140,000 €)
2004-2010: Obtaining deletion lines from H. chilense and their use in physical mapping (AGL2008-04358/AGR). Financed by CICYT.
Principal researcher: Adoracion Cabrera Caballero. (Budget: 120,000 €)
Professional activities and organizing symposia
2012 IIIrd International Ascochyta Workshop. April 22-26 Cordoba, Spain.
2010 VI Seminar of Cytogenetics. September 29-October 2 Cordoba, Spain.
Membership of scientific societies
2011-Now: European Association for Research on Plant Breeding (EUCARPIA).
2008-Now: Spanish Association for Genetics (SEG). Spain.
2007-2009: Full scholarship (43,200.00 € for 2 years from Junta de Andalucía, Spain) for PhD research work (The second phase of PhD
program) at University of Cordoba, Spain.
2005-2007: Full scholarship (25,560.00 € for 2 years from Junta de Andalucía, Spain) for Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA) (The first
phase of PhD program) at University of Cordoba, Spain.
2003-2004: Full scholarship (9,600.00 € for one year from International Center (CIHEAM-IAMZ) at Zaragoza, Spain for MSc research
(2nd phase of MSc program) at University of Cordoba, Spain.
2002-2003: Full scholarship (9,100.00 € for one year from CIHEAM-IAMZ) for Diploma of post-graduation Specialization Studies (1st
phase of MSc program) at CIHEAM-IAMZ. Zaragoza, Spain.
Research Interests
• Plant Cytogenetics
• Genomic in situ Hybridization (GISH)
• Cytogenetic mapping by FISH
• Single gene copy FISH
• Physical mapping by deletions
• Wild Relatives of Cereals (Agropyron cristatum)
• Alien Chromosome Introgression.
• Molecular Markers
Fellowship abroad
2015 – Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA (2 months)
English (Good) Spanish (Fluent) Arabic (Mother tongue) German (Basic) Czech (Learner)
Running, biking, hiking, swimming, inline skating, cross-country skiing and Orienteering.
Number of publications: 16
Ochoa, V., Madrid, E., Said, M., Rubiales, D., Cabrera, A.
EUPHYTICA 201 89-95 2015 Fulltext: PDF link on intranet only
A trial for chromosome identification in Agropyron cristatum
Said M., Cabrera A., Vrána J., Číhalíková J., Doležel J.
Plant Biotechnology: Green for Good III | 15 – 18 June | Olomouc - Czech Republic. 2015 Fulltext: public PDF link
Molecular and Flow Cytometric Karyotype analysis in Agropyron cristatum
Said M., Cabrera A., Vrána J., Číhalíková J., Doležel J.
Plant Molecular Cytogenetics in Genomic and Postgenomic Era Conference. 23-24 September | Katowice-Poland 91-91 2014 Fulltext: public PDF link
Karyotype analysis in Agropyron cristatum
Said M., Cabrera A., Doležel J.
Cereals for Food Feed and Fuel Challenge for Global Improvement Joint EUCARPIA Cereal Section and ITMI Conference 2014 (External fulltext)
Said M., Recio R., Cabrera A.
EUPHYTICA 188 429-440 2012 (External fulltext)
Sub-arm location of prolamin and EST-SSR loci on chromosome 1Hch from Hordeum chilense
Mouaki S., Said M., Alvarez JB., Cabrera A.
EUPHYTICA 178 63-69 2011 (External fulltext)
Said M., Rubiales D., Cabrera A.
AGRISAFE FINAL CONFERENCE. challenge for training of applied plant scientists. March 21-23 (Budapest) Hungary. 2011 Fulltext: PDF link on intranet only
Mouaki S., Said M., Alvarez JB., Gonzalez M., Cabrera A.
Fifth Congress of Plant Breeding. 07-09 July Madrid-Spain 2010
Said M., Cabrera A.
EUPHYTICA 167 253-259 2009 (External fulltext)
Physical mapping of molecular markers on chromosome 3Hch from Hordeum chilense
Said M., Cabrera A.
XXXVII Congress of the Spanish Society of Genetics (SEG). Sep 29-Oct 2nd (Malaga) Spain 2009 Fulltext: public PDF link
Said M., Cabrera A.
Fourth Congress of Plant Breeding. October 14-16 (Cordoba) Spain 2008 Fulltext: public PDF link
Said M., Cabrera A.
5th Conference of Cytogenetics. April 17-20 (Cadiz) Spain 2008 Fulltext: public PDF link
Cifuentes Z., Said M., Cabrera A.
CHROMOSOME RESEARCH 13 146-149 2005 (External fulltext)
Cabrera A., Said M., Cifuentes Z.
5th European Cytogenetics Conference. 4-7 June 2005 (Madrid) Spain 2005 Fulltext: public PDF link (External fulltext)
Response of barley to biofertilizer with N and P application under newly reclaimed areas in Egypt
El-Sayed AA., Abo Elenein RA., Shalaby EE., Shalan MA., Said M.
3rd International Crop Science Congress (ICSC). August 17-22 (Hamburg) Germany 2000 Fulltext: public PDF link
Shaalan MA., Shalaby EE., El-Sayed AA., Said M.
Nile Valley and Red Sea Regional Program (NVRP) Ninth Annual Coordination Meeting (Cairo) Egypt. 11-15 September 1997 1997 Fulltext: public PDF link
Response of some barley cultivars to biofertilizers in the rainfed areas and newly reclaimed lands
Shaalan MA., Shalaby EE., El-Sayed AA., Said M.
Nile Valley and Red Sea Regional Program (NVRP) Eight Annual Coordination Meeting (Cairo) Egypt 16-21 September 1996 1996 Fulltext: public PDF link