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Příspěvky na konferenci o technologiích pro bezpečnost do 29. února 2008

Publikováno: 28.1.2008

Využijte výjimečné možnosti účastnit se 42. ročníku mezinárodní konference o technologiích pro bezpečnost s dlouholetou historií od roku 1967. Konference je součástí aktivit IEEE (International the world's leading professional association for the advancement of technology). Konference se většinou koná mimo Evropu, pro letošní rok byla vybrána PRAHA.



Papers are sought which describe recent developments in the following fields:

  1. Sensor and detection technology, including, principles of operation and signal analysis
  2. Alarm devices, searching aids and systems
  3. Monitoring, command, control and communication systems
  4. Computer systems security and privacy
  5. Information security
  6. Communication security and privacy, including modulation techniques, spectrum management and encryption
  7. Biometric identification systems, utilizing voice, handwriting, fingerprints, hand geometry, facial recognition, etc.
  8. Entry control systems, access delay technology and surveillance
  9. Counter-terrorism techniques and technology
  10. Impact on society of security systems and technology
  11. User experiences of operating security systems including their introduction and testing
  12. Police and forensic technology
  13. Cryptology
  14. Less-than-lethal weapons technology
  15. Counter proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
  16. Port and airport security
  17. Emergency management
  18. Network intrusion detection technology and virus protection
  19. Border security