The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - III. Humanities and Social Sciences


Academic bulletin / Živa

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Imago, Imagines: Metamorphoses of their Function in the Medieval Bohemian Lands


The project attempts to look at medieval art in the Bohemian lands from a new perspective. Its starting-point is an interpretation of works of art according to the function they fulfilled in medieval society. The medieval Latin term imago was used in connection with objects and their purpose, use, and reception by the public. This approach enables phenomena to be observed that go beyond the usual stylistic analysis and classification under periods, individual art forms such as painting and sculpture, or national aspects. The project, supported by the Czech Science Foundation (P409- 13-39192S) will be carried out over a five-year period, and a team of 15 Czech and international art historians will work on it, under the direction of PhDr. Klára Benešovská, CSc., from the Institute of Art History, Czech Academy of Sciences. The Institute will prepare an extensive publication for the Academia publishing house as an outcome of the project.
Contact person: PhDr. Klára Benešovská, CSc.,

Institute of Art History, Czech Academy of Science fo the Czech Republic (IAH CAS)