Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

Semináře a workshopy oddělení 23

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Minulé semináře a workshopy

Andrii Sotnikov Magnetic ordering of three-component ultracold fermionic mixtures in optical lattices Dr. Andrii Sotnikov 21.07.2015 15:00
Konrad Jerzy Kapcia Electron orderings and phase separation in extended Hubbard models: superconductivity and charge orderings 16.07.2015 14:00
Matúš Dubecký Accurate Noncovalent Interactions by Quantum Monte Carlo 14.07.2015 15:00
Martin Friák Multi-scale modeling of hierarchical biocomposites 30.06.2015 15:00
Urko Petralanda Holguin Structural instabilities and sequence of phase transitions in SBN and SBT from first principles and Monte Carlo simulations 23.06.2015 15:00
Václav Drchal Angle-resolved photoemission spectra of Heusler alloys: Ni2MnGa as a case study 16.06.2015 15:00
Kirill Belashchenko Effects of thermal spin fluctuations on the electronic properties of itinerant magnets: Surprises from ab initio calculations 09.06.2015 15:00
Karel Král, Miroslav Menšík Energy and Charge Transfer between Quasi-zero-dimensional Nanostructures 26.05.2015 15:00
R. Cimrman, M. Novák, and J. Vackář Isogeometric analysis, environment-reflecting separable pseudopotentials and Hamiltonian rank-m updates in the evaluation of Hellman-Feynman forces 12.05.2015 15:00
Miroslav Kotrla Multiscale modeling of magnetic metals heteroepitaxial overlayers. 05.05.2015 15:00
Matthias Vojta Coupled-dimer magnets: Systematic expansions, quantum criticality, and disorder 28.04.2015 15:00
Jiří Chaloupka Magnetism of layered honeycomb iridates 21.04.2015 15:00
Hendrik Vita Interaction of magnetic and non-magnetic metals with graphene 14.04.2015 15:00
Jan Skolimowski Anderson and Mott transitions in presence of the spin-dependent disorder 07.04.2015 15:00
Vladislav Pokorný Perturbation theory of a zero-pi transition in a superconducting quantum dot system 24.03.2015 15:00
Peter Mohn Research at the Center for Computational Materials Science (CMS) 16.12.2014 15:00
Artem Ryabov Diffusion of a tagged particle in open single-file systems 21.10.2014 15:00
Prokop Hapala Is the Concept of Electronic Band Structure valid for Si Nanocrystals of few nm in Size? 27.05.2014 15:00
Soon Cheol Hong Roles of nonmagnetic elements on enhancement of perpendicular magnetocrystalline anisotropy: first-principles studies 13.05.2014 15:00
Vladimír Zobač Non-adiabatic molecular dynamics with electron transitions 06.05.2014 15:00
Romuald Lemański Gapless metallic charge-density-wave phase driven by strong electron correlations 29.04.2014 15:00
Karel Netočný Geometric and kinetic aspects of nonequilibrium steady states 25.03.2014 15:00
Maria Valentyuk Microscopic picture of magnetic frustration effects and related phenomena in novel materials 12.03.2014 15:00
Karel Carva Calculating ultrafast magnetization dynamics 04.03.2014 15:00
František Máca The influence of adsorbates on the magnetic structure of the Fe/Ir(001) surface 25.02.2014 15:00
Balazs Ujfalussy Quasiparticle spectrum of superconductor-normal metal heterojunctions 06.02.2014 10:00
Peter Markoš Numerical Analysis of Anderson localization 29.11.2013 10:00
Viktor Holubec Theoretical description of non-equilibrium energy transformation processes on the level of molecular structures 26.11.2013 15:00
Tadeusz Domański Superconducting fluctuations in the electron systems with real-space pairs 12.11.2013 15:00
D.S. Shapiro Dynamic regime of conduction in the Luttinger liquid with an impurity 29.10.2013 15:00

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