
Time and Space of Homeless Persons in a Post-socialistic City: A Comparison of Prague and Pilsen

Project duration: 
2015 - 2017

The project focuses on the time and space of homeless persons in relation to conditions of the post-socialistic city. The project aims to extend topic of homelessness by defining the target group not by static absence of supposed home (or habitation) but through common everyday practices. The researched individuals are part of a category of poverty defined by specific strategies, practices and institutions. The objective of the project is to map the time-space mobility, interpret the perception and practicing of places and time. The theoretical-conceptual frame is based on the time-geography, the phenomenological geography of places and the anthropology of time. The project combines qualitative and quantitative methodology. At the same time it combines traditional methodological techniques (ethography) with new research technologies (GPS trackers). The project uses methods of focused interview, photovice, GPS trackers and questionnaire survey. The project is comparative in its nature and will be conducted in Prague and Pilsen.

urban and rural studies
social inequalities
Grant agency: 
Czech Science Foundation (GACR)