HomeM. Roeselová Memorial Fellowship

M. Roeselová Memorial Fellowship





The Institute is opening the first call for applications for the Martina Roeselová Memorial Fellowship. The support is aimed at a Ph.D. student or postdoc who is conducting research at a local university or research institute and is at the same time a primary care giver of a pre-school age child.
     The fund, formed by donations from former colleagues and friends worldwide, is set up in the name of our late colleague Martina Roeselová, who during her Ph.D. studies and subsequent scientific career conducted excellent research while raising three kids. The purpose of the support is to help the selected student or postdoc to conduct competitive research and be a good parent at the same time. The Institute will provide the selected applicant a salary support of 10 000 CZK per month for a period of one year.



Support will be provided to one student/postdoc selected by an international selection committee based on the submitted applications. Each application should contain the following:

  • research plan for one year (1-2 pages),
  • short summary on how the salary support will be used (max. 1 page),
  • CV of the applicant (max. 2 pages),
  • list of publications and conference presentations of the applicant,
  • letter of support from the Ph.D. or postdoc advisor of the applicant.

Application should be submitted in English electronically to fellowship@uochb.cas.cz, subjected as "Martina Roeselová Memorial Fellowship."



Application deadline for the first annual call is set to September 30, 2015. The decision of the selection committee will be made public by October 31, 2015 with the funding period being January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016.