The aim of the project is to develop methods for monitoring of preparation of metallic nanostructures on dielectric surface in deposition systems involving combination of magnetron sputtering, pulsed laser deposition and ion beam assistance.
The study provides better understanding of film growth mechanism – growth modes relating to growth conditions of metals nanostructures on dielectric materials.
A technology allowing an accurate control of preparation of nanostructured metallic discontinuous film - nanoparticles (main attention is paid to silver) on dielectric substrate using self-assembly method is being developed.
An advanced system for in-situ monitoring of electrical and optical properties of the film is being developed and implemented.
The influence of post-deposition treatment on the nanostructures formation and properties is studied.
Analysis of plasma environment present during the thin film deposition contributes to the understanding of the deposition technique, and to the ability to control NPs growth.
Morphology, structural and functional properties are characterized by relevant techniques.
Obtained results provide important knowledge toward synthesis of novel tailored functional nanostructured materials of unique optical properties.

The substrate holder allowing in-situ measurements of electrical conductivity and optical properties of nanostructured films.
Research workers:
Dr.Ing. Jiri Bulir
Ing. Jan Lancok, Ph.D.
Prof. Jindrich Musil, DrSc.
RNDr. Petr Pokorny, CSc.
Ing. Michal Bodnar, Ph.D.
Ing. Michal Novotny, Ph.D.
Ph.D. students:
Ing. Jiri Bocan
Ing. Premysl Fitl
Jaroslav Kralovec
Iva Tolopcenkova
(GACR, 202/09/P324)