Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

Department of Experimental Particle Physics


Linka: 2707
Email: kupcoatfzu [dot] cz
Místo: S
Místnost: 219


Research activities of the Department are focused on particle physics experiments realized in collaboration with main European and world laboratories, in particular CERN in Geneva, Switzerland and FNAL in Batavia, USA.

We are engaged in physical anlysis of experimental data as well as preparation of experiments and construction of experimental devices. We participate also in research programmes developing new types of detectors and experimental techniques.

Experimental studies of the structure of matter. Physical analysis of collisions of high-energy particles registered by sofisticated detectors at poweful accelerators makes it possible to study fundamental forces and elementary constituents of matter at scales of the order of 10-16 m. Our Department took part or is actively participating at experiments dealing with

  • proton-proton collisions
      the ATLAS experiment at the LHC collider at CERN;
  • proton-antiproton collisions
      the D0 experiment at the Tevatron collider at FNAL;
  • electron-positron collisions
      the completed experiment DELPHI at the LEP collider at CERN;
      preparation for experiments at future electron-positron colliders (projects of ILC and CLIC accelerators).

Detector and experimental devices building. In the years 1996 – 2008, members of the Department played significant role in detector instrumentation for

  • ATLAS experiment
      pixel detector;
      strip detector SCT;
      hadron calorimeter TileCal;
as well as for
  • D0 experiment;
      silicon strip detector;
  • DELPHI experiment
      hadron calorimeter;
      pixel and strip detectors for Very forward tracker;
      scintillation detectors for the Detector hermeticity effort.

Development of detectors. This subject represents an important activity of our Department. Recently we participated, among other things, in the development of

  • radiation hard pixel detectors for ATLAS;
  • low-voltage supplies for the ATLAS SCT;
  • voltage supplies for the photomultipliers of the TileCal calorimeter;
  • silicon pad detectors for the electromagnetic ECal calorimeter of the CALICE project;
  • pixel detectors for the MediPix project.

Our research activities in this direction are carried out in close collaboration with international projects

  • AIDAAdvanced European Infrastructures for Detectors at Accelerators;
  • RD50Radiation hard semiconductor devices for very high luminosity colliders;
  • EUDETDetector R&D towards the International Linear Collider;
  • CALICEHigh granular calorimetry for future particle physics experiments;
  • MediPix Family of photon counting pixel detectors.


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