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Kniha, jež vznikla v rámci projektu „Dějiny a současnost české sociologie“, zkoumá vliv sociologie na jiné vědní obory (případně vliv oboustranný), a to specificky v Českých zemích, resp. Československu a České republice. Zabývá se doposud nepříliš prozkoumanou problematikou vlivu sociologie (a to primárně sociologie české) na vybrané vědní obory v českém prostředí, její intervence a vstupování do nich: konkrétně do uměnovědných oborů, etologie a archeologie.
In this chapter the author has argued that there were four critical junctures that institutionalized a specific path of early childhood education and care (ECEC) in the Czech Republic. Its four critical junctures led to the institutionalization of a specific division of rules and concepts regarding “adequate” ECEC. The already established path of childcare and pre-school education policy places clear limits on the development of new policies.
The authors combine historical and sociological institutional analysis to show that despite the
political and socio-economic transformation in 1990s, the institutional development during and
before the communist era provides the best explanation for current childcare policies in Central
Europe. While most authors have concentrated on policy changes that have taken place in the region
The article focuses on Czech/German ethnic boundary from former interwar Czechoslovakia and its persistence (or transience) in electoral behaviour in selected post-1989 elections. In the analytical part of the article links between populations in regions and electoral results is discussed in order ‘extract’ phantom borders. The analysis draws on both recent GIS data on historical spatial units and historical electoral data to explore the concept of phantom borders.
The aim of this article is to describe the personal networks of Ukrainian immigrants residing in an urban centre in the Czech Republic and to identify patterns that can help to elucidate some aspects of their integration. Social support networks in this study were created using the multiple name generator method.
The scholarly debate on size-specific features of local democratic systems is inconclusive. Contradictory arguments concerning size effects have been formulated for three normative qualities of democracy – participation, accountability and representation and for system capacity. It has been argued that increasing municipal size has the potential to improve the democratic process, but also that municipal fragmentation is the basis for quality of democracy at the local level.
The article assesses well-being in the Czech Republic compared to other Visegrad countries (Slovakia, Hungary, Poland) and neighbouring Germany and Austria. By employing various approaches designed by several international organisations it takes an aggregate perspective to assess both the current well-being and its sustainability into the future. All the employed indicators that relate to current well-being evaluate the well-being in the Czech Republic as moderate among the OECD countries.
This study focuses on earnings inequality within dual-earner couples in four Central-East European (CEE) countries: the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia. It aims to analyse the factors that influence earnings distribution within couples. The analysis uses OLS regression applied on the Statistics on Income and Living Conditions 2011 survey to reveal the various influence of relevant factors, especially relative education and the presence of children, on relative earnings.
This article contributes to the debate about the impact of the transition on subjective well-being. After reviewing the relevant literature the authors draw on the surveys of the European Values Study of 1991, 1999 and 2008 to describe the trends in life satisfaction in 13 Western and 11 Eastern countries. The analysis finds that life satisfaction levels in transition countries have come to approach those in the West: the ‘rather unhappy’ 1990s were followed by the ‘rather happy’ 2000s.
The report presents the main findings of a project funded by the Czech Statistical Office whose principal goal was to gather quantitative data in order to improve the methodology employed to estimate the remittances made by migrants. The primary task of the project implemented by the
This paper is a case study of the genesis, operation and, in particular, the educational
effects of a participatory website established and run by students of one of the largest
universities in the Czech Republic, the purpose of which is to enable students to share
study materials, essays and evaluations of staff and courses. We study the rise of the
website as a bottom-up reaction to deficiencies in the educational process perceived by
Publikace 25 let české demokracie očima veřejnosti představuje vývoj veřejného mínění ve vztahu k politickému systému a jeho aktérům, a to v dimenzi jak vnitřní, tak i zahraniční politiky. Její ambicí je pokud možno komplexně a v širokých dobových souvislostech zmapovat procesy, které byly a dosud jsou charakteristické pro občanské vnímání a hodnocení „příběhu“ hluboké společenské transformace po roce 1989.