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Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

extreme light infrastructure New lasers for industry and research
Experimental Facilities in Physics and Material Science & Engineering Centre for innovation and technology transfer


Welcome to our website

Fyzikální Ústav AV ČR, v. v. i. (FZU; in English: Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences) is a public research institute, oriented on the fundamental and applied research in physics. The founder of the institute is The Czech Academy of Sciences.

The present research programme of the Institute comprises five branches of physics: particle physics, the physics of condensed matter, solid state physics, optics and plasma physics. It also corresponds to the way how the institute is divided into major research divisions.

More about the research activities ...

Wednesday, 05.08.2015

Scientists from the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) together with colleagues from Osaka University in Japan presented in the journal Nature Communications [1] a new method that significantly advances the current possibility for atomic force microscopes to image chemical structures of individual molecules.

Recent developments in scanning microscopy enable us to resolve the chemical structure of individual molecules deposited on surfaces.

Monday, 20.07.2015, Petr Trávníček, Michael Prouza

During a two-day meeting held on 15 and 16 July 2015, the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) Resource Board, with the participation of Czech representatives, decided to choose two sites for detailed contract negotiations for the location to host the world’s largest gamma-ray telescope network: a location in the Atacama desert in Chile in the southern hemisphere and Roque de los Muchachos Observatory in La Palma, Canary Islands in the northern hemisphere.

Thursday, 02.07.2015, Zdislava Lojdová

The initial construction for the international ELI Beamlines laser centre in Dolní Břežany began three years ago. On the 30th June 2015 the first phase of the construction was completed. The ceremonial handing over of administrative and multi-functional buildings of the ELI Beamlines laser centre and ribbon-cutting ceremony were held in the presence of Robert-Jan Smits, Director-General of DG Research and Innovation of European Commission, and other distinguished guests.

Wednesday, 13.05.2015

During the Neuron Science Future gala which took place at the Archa theatre in Prague on the 6th May 2015, the Neuron foundation for science support announced five laureates of the Neuron Award 2015 for young scientists. The award is annually presented to researches under 40 for their outstanding scientific results. Along with their awards, the recipients received cheques for a total of 1,250,000 Czech crowns in total in recognition of their present work.

Wednesday, 04.03.2015

The solid, liquid and gaseous state of matter are a common knowledge. However, the number of different states in which materials may exist is in principle unlimited. One of the prime goal of condensed matter physics is to understand the properties of these states and to predict the transitions between them. Jan Kuneš from the Department of condensed matter theory of the Institute of Physics CAS was awarded a prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant to study exotic states of new magnetic materials.

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