CMS Centre for Medieval Studies

Jilská 1
110 00 Praha 1
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/ Cultural Codes and their Transformation in the Hussite Period

Project for the Support of Excellence in the Basic Reserach (GAČR P405/12/G148)

Investigator: Prof. PhDr. František Šmahel, DrSc., Centre for Medieval Studies, Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Co-investigator: PhDr. Alena Černá, Ph.D., Institute of the Czech Language of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Second co-investigator: Prof. PhDr. Jiří Kuthan, DrSc., Catholic Theological Faculty
Coordinators: Mgr. Robert Novotný, Ph.D., Mgr. Pavel Soukup, Ph.D.
Duration: 2012–2018


/ Culture and Art of the Benedictine Order in the Central Europe 800-1300

NAKI Grant of the Ministry of Culture (DF11P01OVV007)

Duration: 2011-2015
Investigator (CMS): Prof. Petr Sommer
Coordinator (CMS): Pavlína Mašková
Co-investigator: Prof. Vít Vlnas, National Gallery in Prague
Second co-investigator: Prof. PhDr. Jiří Kuthan, DrSc., Catholic Theological Faculty
Web pages:


/ Origins of the Vernacular Mode. Regional Identities And European Networks in Late Medieval Europe

ERC-Starting Grant 263672

Investigator: dr. Pavlína Rychterová
Coordinator (CMS): doc. Lucie Doležalová
Web pages:


/ Coexistence of the Christian and Jewish Population in Medieval Bohemia

Grant of the Czech Science Foundation (ID number P405/11/1982)

Trvání: 2011-2014
Řešitel za HIÚ: PhDr. Eva Doležalová, Ph.D.
Spoluřešitel za CMS: PhDr. Martin Musílek, CMS FLÚ AV ČR


/ Magistri Iohannis Hus Opera omnia

The editorial care of the latin works of Jan Hus, formerly published but abandoned by "Academia. Nakladatelství Československé akademie věd", has been taken over by the Centre for Medieval Studies in cooperation with the Belgian publisher Brepols n.v. Since 2004 new volumes and revised editions have been integrated into the renown series Corpus Christianorum – Continuatio Mediaevalis, keeping the original numbering of the old Opera omnia as additional mark besides the appropriate place in the new series. The secretary of the editorial commission - dr. Gabriel Silagi - has been appointed by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and has his seat at the CMS. He is responsible for the last revision of all manuscripts to appear in the series. Further editions are in preparation in Prague and Brno and will be ready in due time.
Secretary: dr. Gabriel Silagi

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