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SMB Journal

The Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica journal has been published in the Centre for Medieval Studies in Prague since 2009. This scholarly journal is open to contributions in all fields related to the Middle Ages in Central Europe. Articles may be submitted on any medieval topic and in all approaches, methodologies or disciplines (especially in history, archeology, history of the art). Articles on interdisciplinary topics are particularly encouraged.

The SMB journal follows a policy of double-blind peer review of all submissions. The author's identity is not known to the reader evaluating the submission, and the author does not know the identity of the reader.

The SMB journal consists of a section of studies and a section of book reviews, which should inform about the majority of medieval studies production being published in Central Europe. The languages of studies to be published are Czech, Slovak, English, German, Polish and French. The reviews are published mostly in Czech.


Structure of the journal:


Publisher's information:


Editors-in-chief: František Šmahel, Robert Novotný

Editor: Václav Žůrek

Published twice a year

Publisher: Institute of Philosophy Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic / The Centre for Medieval Studies at Charles University and the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Contact address: Centrum medievistických studií, Jilská 1, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic

ISSN: 1804-0977

Contents of all issues with abstracts are also available on the website H/Soz/Kult.

ceeol logoContents of all issues with abstracts and partially in fulltext are also available in the database Central and Eastern European Online Library.



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